Role of management in implementing education inclusive policies

  • Sadete Ternava-Osmani
  • Voglushe Kurteshi


The mission of each successful government means promotion of basic human rights and freedoms,which instantly include inclusive education to all, regardless their background, social status, age, gender,ethnicity etc. This paper aims at analyzing the inclusive education legal framework in Kosovo, particularly therole of management in implementation of inclusive policies in education, namely strategies dealing withinclusive education for disabled students. The paper reviews the issue by comparing legal infrastructure inKosovo with European and international standards, to which it is complaint, but problems in its implementationare evident, as relevant educational institutions have paid more attention to the “papyrology accomplishment”rather than to the concrete needs-based results of inclusive education, particularly in the local level. In order tovalidate this standpoint, we have carried out a questionnaire addressed to ten municipal directors foreducation. Analysis of the questionnaire revealed that legislation provisions were not implemented due todifferent factors, but the main reason is lack of political will and understanding to allocate adequate funds fromthe Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Moreover, the survey reveals that the up-down approachmakes inclusive education policies not consistent and not feasible. Consecutively, it can be said that theessence of the effective implementation of laws should include joint efforts of central and local levels inobtaining real results in respecting human rights and education needs. In realizing the understanding ofinclusive education standards, more engagement and commitment is needed by all education stakeholders, inparticular by official central institutions.


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