Investigations of the Structure of the Diurnal Variations of Geomagnetic Field

  • Spomenko J. Mihajlović


Changes in solar activity mechanisms generate changes in geomagnetic activity. The structure of geomagnetic activity can be illustrated by classes of the periodic and non-periodic variations of geomagnetic field. This study shows the results of the analysis of the periodic and non-periodic diurnal variations in the geomagnetic field (variations Sq, Sd,) and disturbances of geomagnetic activity (variations of indices Ri, Kp). The analysis was carried out during the months in which extreme solar and geomagnetic storms were recorded, October 2003 and November 2004. An analysis the structure and morphology of diurnal variations was made on the basis of the recorded geomagnetic data (the mean hourly values of geomagnetic field, three-hour indices of geomagnetic activity), at the Geomagnetic Observatory Grocka (GCK) (Serbia)..


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How to Cite
Mihajlović, S. J. (2013). Investigations of the Structure of the Diurnal Variations of Geomagnetic Field. Geologica Macedonica, 26(1), pp.37-51. Retrieved from