Control of the psychiatric disorders in the Republic of Macedonia

  • Leonid Ramov FMN Ugd Stip
  • Velo Markovski University “Goce Delcev”, Stip



Ramov Leonid; Markovski Velo ; Faculty of medical sciences UGD – Stip, Macedonia

Introduction: The Psychiatric disorders are a large number of disorders which affect the mental and the behavioral function. Their etiology is rarely affiliated with some organic disorder, rather with a subjective perception or a disorder originating on a molecular level in some parts of the CNS. For their pathogenesis the key mechanisms are related with the environment and the psycho-physical development of the individual


How much are these disorders present in the Republic of Macedonia?

How is the healthcare system in Macedonia handling these disorders?

Materials and Methods: In order to answer our aims we collected date from the institute of public health of the Republic of Macedonia, whose research from 2011 yielded some useful information about the incidence and hospitalization, which was put in a table. We confirmed the politics of the WHO on the healthcare ministry website And in order to compare the results we used similar data from the Center of disease control from the USA

Results and Discussion: With the acquired data we got the number of patients being treated in the Republic of Macedonia and also that they are being treated by the standards of the WHO. We also found lack of information and public awareness of the people about these kinds of issues and also information about cases of a particular disease of this type. Compared with the data from the USA Center of disease control it had both the percentage about adults which is 18.5 of the population being affected and the population of children which is 13%. They also separated the racial groups. In our institute they only had info about patients visiting a doctor related to a mental disorder, which is 5,9% (148120) of the population and from whom 2,8 %(7035)  are being hospitalized. These results are showed in the following tables and graphics.

Conclusions: These disorders are present in Macedonia with a percentage of 5,9 % of the population in general and 2,8 of them are being hospitalized.

The Healthcare of RM is dealing with these disorders according to the WHO and has a lower incidence then the USA according these results.

The institute of public health of the Republic of Macedonia does not have published info about the number of reported cases for particular mental disorders.                             

Key Words: Healthcare; Psychiatric disorders; Psychiatry; Republic of Macedonia;



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