The functioning of the State Audit in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Montenegro

  • Janka Dimitrova
  • Katerina Bojkovska
  • Aleksandra Janceva


The growing awareness of the functioning of the state audit in recent years has been increasing,
indicating its importance. In the 21st century, it is precisely this type of audit that is examining
government spending in terms of legal and earmarked spending and evaluating the quality of
public sector programs. An auditor examines the information contained in the financial
statements in terms of the truthfulness and objectivity of the financial position and results of
operations and compliance with auditing standards and the generally accepted accounting
framework. For us, as citizens, this audit is important because we all want to know where the
money goes that we as taxpayers pay the state and whether they are available in an
economical, efficient and effective way. The answers to these questions are contained in the
state audit reports.
A state audit is performed by Supreme Audit Institutions. In the Republic of North Macedonia,
the Supreme Audit Institution is the State Audit Office, while in the Republic of Montenegro, the
Supreme Audit Institution is the State Audit Institution. The Republic of North Macedonia, as
well as the Republic of Montenegro, are candidate countries for membership of the European
Union, located on the Balkan Peninsula, both of them are in transition and they are
approximately similar in economic terms, which is an indication of the similarities between them.
The functioning of the state audit in these countries has some similarities and some differences,
but the purpose of the state audit in all Supreme Audit Institutions as well as in the State Audit
Office of the Republic of North Macedonia and the State Audit Institution in the Republic of
Montenegro is the same.


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Accounting and Auditing