Implementation of the Phare Programme Financial Assistance in the Republic of Macedonia

  • Marina Radosavljevik-Bojceva


The European Union is a family of democratic European countries working together to improve life for their citizen and to build better world. Its policy is to promote cohesion, a policy which is creating new opportunities and reducing the gap in the different region’s levels of development. Hoping to assist candidate countries in preparation for joining, the European Union provides them with specifi c targeted fi nancial aid implemented through the instruments like the PHARE programme. The PHARE programme aims at strengthening democratic institutions, supporting investment projects and economic and social cohesion in the candidate countries. The implementation of the PHARE programme started in 1996 and from 2000 the CARDS programme was in process in the Republic of Macedonia.


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How to Cite
Radosavljevik-Bojceva, M. (2013). Implementation of the Phare Programme Financial Assistance in the Republic of Macedonia. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 2(1), pp.223-236. Retrieved from