Креирање на економско-социјален модел состојба и перспективи

  • Krume Nikoloski


European economic and social model is a common social vision thatsociety should be organizе in a way that will contribute to economic and socialprogress. The key principles are solidarity and cohesion. Economic growthshould serve to increase overall social welfare, but that does not happen atthe expense of any part of society, especially not at the expense of youngpeople. This model is based on common values such as freedom, equality,social justice, dialogue and respect for human rights based on the principle ofequality among Member States. Simply, the general goal of Europe is to createmore equal societies that will enable each individual to live with dignity. AlsoMacedonia should create equal opportunities for all citizens.


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The impact of the European Economic and Social Committee, Catalogue No: CESE-2008-02-EN.

Promoting national social dialogue: an ILO training manual, Geneva, International Labour Offi ce, 2004.

Luxembourg declaration on the midterm review of the Lisbon strategy, Luxembourg, 26 November 2004.

Civil society in the EU’s four Eastern European neighbour states author: Dr Ernst Piehl, Brussels/Bordeaux, 2004.

Case in favour of the Еuropean Constitution advanced by the EESC, Catalogue No: EESC–2005-01-EN: http://www.esc.eu.int

Committee during the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, July – December 2009.

How to Cite
Nikoloski, K. (2013). Креирање на економско-социјален модел состојба и перспективи. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 2(1), pp.27-34. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/YFE/article/view/517