Information Technology and Distribution Channels: Current Trends

  • Riste Temjanovski "Goce Delcev" University
  • Tamara Jovanov Marjanov "Goce Delcev" University


The research of this paper is focused on the analysis and presentation of the possibility of application of contemporary information technologies and tools in marketing (distribution) sector. One of the often asked question today is how to best, optimally and with least cost achieve customer satisfaction. Undoubtedly, in the global competitive competency arena, customer satisfaction can have powerful effects. The main focus and strength within organizations and employees is the importance of fulfilling customers’ expectations. Companies pay special attention on processing of the contemporary information models and techniques to meet the needs and desires of consumers. These systems are used in order to timely inform the customers about new products and services, price discounts, information about the place, the time of movement and the expected dates of arrival of the ordered product etc. This is often achieved by using new GPS technology and wireless technologies.


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Author Biographies

Riste Temjanovski, "Goce Delcev" University

Department of Economics

Associate Professor

Tamara Jovanov Marjanov, "Goce Delcev" University

Department of Management

Assistant Professor


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Entrepreneurship and Marketing