The Global Environment as a challenge to Corporate Competitiveness

  • Silvana Pasovska "St Kliment Ohridski" University
  • Trajko Miceski "Goce Delcev" University


Competitive positioning is continuous activity by which the companies control their own competitive advantages in comparison with those in the target market, with aim of positioning is identification of the level of its differentiation, the need for maintaining of competitive advantage or opportunity for its increasing. The aim of competitive positioning strategies is to increase the previously acquired competitive advantages and creating new advantages which are difficult to imitate, and radically different from the previously existing ones. Competitiveness is not the aim but it is the means or a combination of economic circumstances in which economic entities can realize their developmental benefits. The aim of this paper is to show that the competitive advantage company in the context of globalization and economic integration, which greatly depend on its ability to respond to external challenges. Sources of competitiveness of companies in the global market can be   internal and external, but no less significant strategy to maintain existing competitive positions as a strategy of action and reaction strategies to minimize the negative effects of those existing competitive action when the company could not predict or expect them.


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Author Biographies

Silvana Pasovska, "St Kliment Ohridski" University
Scientific tobacco institute-Prilep
Trajko Miceski, "Goce Delcev" University

Department of Management



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Management and Business