Digital marketing and the potential for financial growth of small and medium-sized businesses

  • Mila Mitreva Teaching Assistant
  • Monika Arsova
  • Tamara Jovanov Apasieva
Keywords: digital marketing, SME, growth, performance, strategy


The aim of this paper is to provide better understanding of the meaning and the importance of digital marketing. Considering that large organizations are usually of interest when it comes to developing and analyzing marketing theory, this paper focuses on the SMEs. Marketing practices differ between large and small companies, which is the reason why better understanding of marketing practices and marketing planning can help the SMEs in increasing their performance. Hence, small businesses usually lack financial and human resources, which is why digital marketing can help them in better satisfying the needs of the targeted market and to be more efficient than the competitors. Consequently, implementation of the adequate marketing techniques can enhance the success and financial growth of the SMEs.


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