Interrelationship between marketing activities and the financial performance of Huawei

  • Monika Arsova
  • Mila Mitreva
  • Riste Temjanovski
Keywords: competition; consumers; financial results; profit; strategy


Today, modern businesses can not achieve their market presence without having a well-built marketing strategy. The constant revision, supplementation and modification of the strategy are part of the work of the international company. When it comes to information technology, ie the rapid growth and development of this industry requires companies that are part of it to constantly compete with the powerful and widespread competition.
Companies like Huawei are in a constant race against time, competition from all over the world and of course most importantly the desires of consumers. In order to achieve good financial results, it is necessary to constantly develop your strategy and invest in marketing tools. Through marketing, the company will be able to reach the consumer, attract him and of course keep him. In that way the profit will increase and the financial results will be in a good direction.


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Entrepreneurship and Marketing