Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 2024-01-12T14:00:09+00:00 Eva Gjorgjievska Open Journal Systems ПРЕДГОВОР / FOREWORD 2023-12-28T20:00:31+00:00 Svetlana Jakimovska <p>Во овој Зборник се поместени рефератите прочитани на Меѓународната<br>научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ која се одржа<br>на 25 и 26 мај 2023 година, на Филолошкиот факултет при Универзитетот „Гоце<br>Делчев“ во Штип. Целта на настанот беше, на стогодишнината од неговото<br>раѓање, да му се оддаде почит на овој наш голем поет токму во неговиот<br>роден град, но и повторно да се нурне во океанот на неговото извонредно<br>творештво.</p> 2023-12-28T05:40:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЈАЗИЧНИТЕ ИНОВАЦИИ И ИЗРАЗ ВО ФУНКЦИЈА НА СТИХОТ (врз примери од поезијата на Ацо Шопов) / LINGUISTIC INNOVATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS IN VERSE FUNCTION (based on examples of Aco Šopov’s poetry) 2023-12-28T20:00:31+00:00 Elka Jaceva-Ulcar <p>At the beginning of the article, we refer to the language expression of the<br>young Aco Šopov, who realized his first poetic expressions as a young man in the whirlwind<br>of the National Liberation Struggle in the Macedonian language, despite the fact that his<br>education until the beginning of the war had been Serbian language. Hence the great<br>number of the so-called Serbianisms in his poetry, but also certain lexical dialecticisms<br>(often with an opaque meaning, cf. klčki), but also grammatical ones, such as the use of<br>ordinary plural in “раци” instead of the standard “раце”, as a remain of the former duality<br>in Old Slavic language. In addition to this, the poet often approaches the creation of new<br>words in the function of the verse, cf. чмај ‘Despair’, мртвоса ‘to die’, злост ‘malice, evil’<br>etc.</p> 2023-12-28T05:45:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 НЕБИДНИНАТА КАКО МОТИВ ЗА СЕМАНТИЧКО-ЕТИМОЛОШКА АНАЛИЗА НА ПОЕТСКИОТ ЈАЗИК НА АЦО ШОПОВ / SEMANTIC ETYMOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE “NOT-BEING“ MOTIF OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:31+00:00 Goce Cvetanovski <p>This paper aims to do the semantic-etymological analysis of the poetic<br>language of Aco Šopov, especially taking the term “not-being” into account which is the<br>name of the poem collection. The starting point of this analysis are the works of Prokopiev<br>“On the not-being of Šopov”, Šeleva’s “From Eros to Eidos” and “The myth phantasms and<br>symbols in the not-being of Aco Šopov. Namely, in our opinion, these papers cover the<br>aspects that lead to the semantic-etymological analysis of the poetic language of Aco<br>Šopov in the collection “Not-being”. The term “not-being” etymologically can be adopted<br>as neologism, occasionalism or as widely understood - linguistic innovation. The statistical<br>analysis of the collection “Not-being” (the word group of nouns) shows that the noun<br>“body” is used the most and is on the first place (being used 32 times without the titles),<br>then the noun “blood” (25 times) and on the third place is the noun “stone” which is used<br>21 times followed by the noun “word” (17 times) and “country” which is mentioned 14<br>times. However, hapax legomena i.e. the words which are used only once are the nouns<br>“womb”, “tree” and “grave”. This linguistic statistics leads to a philosophical reflection<br>that the aforementioned literary critics (aestheticians) somehow intuitively with all their<br>encyclopedic knowledge (including linguistic knowledge), unequivocally, precisely dissect<br>the structure of the poetry collection and atomize the key term “not-being”, which is also<br>confirmed through our linguistic semantic-etymological analysis.</p> 2023-12-28T05:48:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АНАЛИЗА НА КОЛОРОНИМИ ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / ANALYSIS OF THE COLORYNYMS IN THE POETRY OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Alexandra Chivarzina <p>The analysis of Aco Šopov’s poetic works showed which color terms and in<br>what proportion the poet used. The color term for black plays a major role in the coloristic<br>word corpus. The concept of “black” includes not only derivatives from the Slavic root,<br>but also Turkisms and other contextual synonyms. In the poems, black is also mentioned<br>in various comparative constructions with the reference objects of the corresponding<br>color. The predominance of black is not only due to the symbolism of mourning and death<br>that permeated the stages of the poet’s work from the war period, but also to the cosmos<br>infinity and beauty, as well as the journey to the “black continent”. The other coloronyms<br>are rarer. In second place in terms of use are the color terms within the concept of “white”.<br>Coloronym derivatives for red and green are equally common but twice as rare as those<br>for black and white. Red is traditionally associated with blood and fire. Green is used when<br>describing plant life. Less common are coloronyms for blue and its shades, which are found<br>mainly in the traditional description of the sky and water. Among the rare terms there are<br>those for gray, used in a direct and figurative sense. Usually, the golden color does not<br>belong to the color system, but in the found contexts it acts as a synonym for yellow, so we<br>analyze it within the corresponding concept in the article. Colors and their coloronyms in<br>Aco Šopov’s poems are used in their primary and traditional figurative meanings.</p> 2023-12-28T05:51:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЈА НА ФИГУРАТИВНИОТ ИНТЕНЗИТЕТ НА НИВО НА СОДРЖИНАТА ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / FIGURATIVE INTERSITY INTERPRETATION OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY CONTENT 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Atina Cvetanovska <p>The creation of this study is a result of the need to re-actualize the<br>question of Aco Šopov’s poetry, which will be analized from a different aspect. From the<br>point of view of terminology, this approach introduces a new phrase “figurative intensity”.<br>Both terms “carry” multiple definitions for which there are extensive scientific works in<br>the world literature. By connecting those terms, a new definition is obtained and thus a<br>new meaning that can best be applied and “shown” to the discourse such as poetry. The<br>figurative intensity represents a special category that essentially talks about the meaning<br>of poetry as a whole. This study introduces and answers the question of figurative intensity<br>through the application of metasemes and metalogisms to the entire poetic work of Aco<br>Šopov. By giving attention to the “figurative strength” of poems and poetry, the “strength”<br>of the poetic discourses is “measured” on a micro and macro level. According to the figures<br>and how they are used in the specific poem, the “epicenter” of its figurative strength is<br>determined, which can be of different quality. After determining the “figurative strength”<br>on a micro level, the “strength” is “measured” on a macro level, that is, on the level of a<br>poetic cycle and the entire poetry of the poet. Also, the identification and marking of the<br>figures at the content level and their analysis will contribute to the understanding of the<br>poetic text, which is the shortest and also the most difficult to analyze and interpret.</p> 2023-12-28T05:55:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЈАЗИЧНИТЕ ОТСТАПКИ ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / LINGUISTIC DEVIATIONS IN ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Meri Olumceva <p>In the Macedonian post-war literature, the work of Aco Šopov is<br>prominent and occupies its own place, both for its poetic and aesthetic values and for<br>its already clearly outlined general literary value, including historical value. The work of<br>Šopov represents in its course, in its upgrading, a demonstration of the emergence and<br>development of separate poetic ideas and preoccupations in Macedonian poetry, taken<br>as a global perception. This shows, in a truly creative measure, the interpenetration of<br>separate poetic currents in world poetry and in the spaces of Šopov throughout its growth,<br>the great creative work that Macedonian poetry has achieved not only in the domain of<br>poetic expression, but also in the domain of poetic language. Šopov sublimely realizes the<br>dimension of the word, on a highly creative level he conveys the symbol of nothingness -<br>forges of the tragedy of the individual and the tragedy of the people.<br>The sense of a reflexive statement, of the layered semantic cores and their expansion,<br>comes to its fullest expression. In Šopov’s poems there is a dialectical interweaving, and<br>the word has a cosmic dimension.</p> 2023-12-28T05:58:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 МЕТАПОЕТСКИТЕ СТИХОВИ НА АЦО ШОПОВ / THE METAPOETICS IN ACO ŠOPOV`S VERSES 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Ranko Mladenoski <p>The aim of this research is to discover and interpret the theme segments<br>of Aco Šopov’s poetry in its most general sense, the essence of the poetic creative process,<br>and moreover how these segments function as a “poetic manifesto” of our poet, as his<br>“Ars Poetica”. The working hypothesis is stated that a large number of poems by Šopov are<br>self-referential, i.e. metaliterary (poetry that speaks about poetry itself) which, certainly<br>creates the metapoetic specifics in the author’s verses. Intratextuality (the reference<br>of parts of one poem to parts of another poem by Šopov), but also intertextuality (the<br>poems of Šopov in the context of poems by other domestic and poets from abroad) will<br>serve as a comparative methodological basis to prove and demonstrate the existence of<br>metaliterature in the poetry of Aco Šopov. Therefore, poems from the collections “Merge<br>with the Silence” (1955), “Not-Being” (1963) and “Reader of the Ashes” (1970) will be taken<br>into account as the basic corpus (applicative material) of the research.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 КАДЕ Е МАКЕДОНИЈА ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ? / WHERE IS MACEDONIA IN ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY? 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Vesna Mojsova-Cepisevska Ivan Antonovski <p>Rereading Aco Šopov’s last book, “Tree on the Hill” (1980), leads to the realization<br>that in it, for the first time in his oeuvre, Macedonia is so explicitly omnipresent – in almost<br>every poem. But that opens up the dilemma - where is Macedonia in Šopov’s poetry? Why<br>precisely in his last book, Šopov insists so much on mentioning Macedonia? Are its explicit<br>presence in this book and the earlier reference to the homeland in the collection “Poem<br>of the Black Woman” (1976) the first manifestation of Macedonia in his poetry? Or in fact,<br>Macedonia is constantly present in Šopov’s poetry, and in this bequeathed book it manifests<br>107Vesna Mojsova-Čepiševska, Ivan Antonovski<br>itself explicitly? In the search for answers to these questions, by reading the entire oeuvre<br>of Šopov, the paper comes to a thesis-conclusion that Macedonia is constantly present in<br>his poetry, from the first to the last book, while in each of his creative stages it is present<br>in a different form, appropriate to the peculiarities with which that phase is distinguished.<br>The analysis in the paper, perceiving Macedonia as part of the author’s intimacy, and<br>establishing syntheses between the poetry and Šopov’s expressions outside the poetic<br>word, also opens other questions. Among others, the question of how intimate is Šopov’s<br>poetry only in one phase or all phases of his work are different forms of poetic intimism. At<br>the same time, the thesis-conclusion is presented that in Šopov’s poetry there is always a<br>connection between the collective and the individual (and vice versa), in the journey from<br>oneself to one’s not-being.</p> 2023-12-28T06:32:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 КАКО СЕ МОЛИ СО ТЕЛО? (Ацо Шопов, „Молитви на моето тело“) / HOW TO PRAY WITH YOUR BODY? (Aco Šopov, “Prayers of my body“) 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Lidija Kapusevska-Drakulevska <p>Aco Šopov is a poet who is so deeply, with soul and body, dedicated to the<br>creative act and to the Poetry as a synonym of living. This text tries to elaborate Šopov’s<br>creative impulse by referring to the cycle of poems “Prayers of my body” from his cult<br>poetry collection Not-being (1963). In the context of contemporary Macedonian poetry,<br>Šopov’s Not-being is illustrative of the creative changes of our literature in the 60s of the<br>last century, in the sense of the best modern European traditions that our poet reached<br>115Lidija Kapuševska-Drakulevska<br>through symbiosis of personal and universal poetic experience, of lyrical (emotional)<br>and intellectual knowledge, of “singing ant thinking” (Heidegger), in the last instance. If<br>“coming into the world” always means “coming into language”, according to the famous<br>phrase of the German philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk, then language<br>is an immanent determinant of human existence. Further, the eroticism of the body as a<br>primordial human urge promotes the body as a synonym of existence. The dilemma: is the<br>body just an object, or can it also be a subject, aware of its sexuality? – opens the way of<br>perceiving the creative process as a kind of erotic act. The life of the body and the life of the<br>word are identified into the poems of the cycle “Prayers of my body” and the sensibility of<br>the body becomes material and medium of poetic expression.</p> 2023-12-28T08:09:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 МОРФОЛОГИЈА НА ТИШИНАТА / MORPHOLOGY OF SILENCE 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Lusi Karanikolova-Cocorovska <p>We approach the poetic book “Merge with the silence” (1955) by Aco<br>Šopov, which at one time inspired the Macedonian literary public, segmentally: - we<br>look for “silence” even where it verbally does not exist, and its structure is also explored<br>- of what it is composed, what is the composition of Šopov’s “silence” in the poems from<br>the eponymous collection of poems. We look for the silence and stillness of the poet in<br>the word, in the feelings, in the metaphor, in the oxymoron, in the powerful symbolic<br>constructions, in the way the poetic syntagms are “shaped.” We do this everywhere in<br>these verses where silence is mentioned and/or “re-known.” The segmentation in terms<br>of silence should bring us to the already obvious intimacy of this extraordinary poetry, it<br>should touch (if this is possible at all) to the deep sensitivity of the poet, to the need for<br>silence, to the stillness, as one of the great principles in the poetry of Šopov.</p> 2023-12-28T08:14:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПОЕТСКАТА ОНТОЛОГИЈА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / ACO ŠOPOV`S ONTOLOGY OF POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Eva Gjorgjievska <p>The paper approaches several collections of poetry from the last cycle of Aco<br>Šopov’s work: “Not-Being”, “Reader of the Ashes” and “The Song of the Black Woman”,<br>simultaneously through an ontological and archetypal interpretive matrix. The process<br>of creating poetic images is followed, through which the ontological shifting of the<br>borders of the lyrical subject is outlined and its merging into something transcendent<br>(the collective past, objective reality, eroticism, etc.) takes place. The aim is to explain the<br>semantic closeness between the term not-being and mythological-archaic conceptions:<br>biblical and Eastern-ancient poetics, where not-being, among other things, is a pretext<br>for the initiation of poetic creation. The collective ancient images of fire, water, body,<br>word, blood, wood, black color, are repeated in all the collections and cycles of Šopov’s<br>poetry, generate further derived images (fire-drought-ashes, water-lake-eyes, body-birth-<br>word), and sometimes they are combined with each other. It is essential to perceive the<br>transformation of these poetic images as one moves from one poetry collection to another.<br>We will follow the theory of the imaginary to derive the key dynamics of the processes<br>of cosmogony, anthropogony, and eschatology that create the creative force of the not-<br>being. Our goal is to find out what the new ontological function that archetypal images get<br>through Šopov’s metaphor and poetics consists of.</p> 2023-12-28T08:17:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ И ЦРНОТО СОНЦЕ / ACO ŠOPOV AND THE BLACK SUN 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Andrej Stojanovski <p>“The black Sun” motif will be interpreted in this paper. The focus of analysis will be<br>the cycle of “the Black Sun” from the collection “Reader of the ashes” (1970). Guided by the<br>arguments of the famous theorist Jean Cohen (the study “Theory of the figures of speech”<br>and the book The Structure of Poetic Language) and the General Rhetoric of the Mi Group<br>(the famous neo-rhetorists from Liège), the in-depth logical structure (general) of the<br>oxymoron will be defined as a figure and the oxymoron “black sun” more precisely. We<br>will also briefly refer to two important articles about the black sun by Atanas Vangelov in<br>Šopov, i.e. his understanding of the black sun as an explicit and implicit thematic realization.<br>Furthermore, we will dwell on the problem of “solarity”, as well as on the symbolic set of the<br>black sun. In this case, we will refer to the book “The Black Sun: Depression and Melancholy”<br>by Julia Kristeva. The solar space of the black sun is defined as anti-space by us. The<br>properties of the black sun in an appositive register of tautological sequences are going<br>to be categorized. The analysis of the symbolic set (symbolic constellation in Vangelov’s<br>dictionary) and the appositive register clearly shows that the black sun has polymorphic<br>symbolism. That symbolism takes on diabolical features at times. The ambivalent status of<br>the black sun “de-normalizes” it and, ultimately, challenges the subject (material) reality,<br>that is, the reality has taken on its attributes.</p> 2023-12-28T08:22:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ НИЗ БИБЛИОГРАФСКИТЕ ЕДИНИЦИ НА ОДРЕДЕНИ ЕВРОПСКИ ЕЛЕКТРОНСКИ БАЗИ. ШОПОВ И ШТИП – НЕРАСКИНЛИВА НИТКА / ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY THROUGH THE BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR EUROPEAN ELECTRONIC DATABASES. ACO ŠOPOV AND ŠTIP–THE UNBROKEN TREAD 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Milena Ristova-Mihajlovska <p>The object of interest of this paper are the represented bibliographic units from<br>the work of Aco Šopov in the electronic databases of library data in several European<br>countries. In particular, the works of Šopov represented in the library bases in Macedonia,<br>Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Kosovo are considered. In a separate<br>part of the paper, one “exhibition” by Šopov that was kept in the Library in Štip but was<br>taken away and never returned is discussed. Special emphasis is put on legacies as library<br>entities in European countries and their treatment in our country, where Šopov’s legacy as<br>an affected part, while recommendations are given for further legal interpretations. In that<br>context, the future activities in the City under the Isar in the honour of Aco Šopov, whose<br>name bears the Stip’s native department in NI-UL “Goce Delcev” - Stip, are mentioned. It<br>is based on the fact that the “new” premises of the Library are “put into use” by Šopov<br>himself - testimonies supported by statements and photo-documentation. The reference<br>of the bibliographic units, their counting and statistical presentation, represent Šopov’s<br>poetry in a European context, on the one hand, and his inseparable connection with Štip<br>is cherished by memories, his works, and the tributes of today’s generations on the other<br>hand.</p> 2023-12-28T08:40:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 КОМПАРАТИВНИ ПРИСТУПИ ПОЕЗИЈИ АЦЕ ШОПОВА И БРАНКА МИЉКОВИЋА У СРПСКОЈ КЊИЖЕВНОЈ КРИТИЦИ / COMPARATIVE APPROACH OF ACO ŠOPOV AND BRANKO MILJKOVIĆ`S POETRY IN SERBIAN LITERARY CRITICISM 2023-12-28T20:00:32+00:00 Danijela D. Kostadinoviћ <p>The research shown in this paper will focus on examining the comparative approach<br>of the poetry of Aco Šopov and Branko Miljković in the studies of Radomir V. Ivanović,<br>“Word and Meaning in the Poetry of Aca Šopov” and “Silence as a Source of Latent Energy<br>in Poetic Discourse: The Rhetoric of Silence in the Works of Aca Šopov and Branko Miljković”<br>, as well as “Emptiness and Silence - Equivalents or Antipodes in the Poetry of Aca Šopov<br>and Branko Miljković” by Miroljub M. Stojanović and “Poetry as an Ontological Experience:<br>Singing and Thinking in the Works of Branko Miljković and Aca Šopov” by Marija Jeftimović<br>Mihajlović. We will highlight the different perspectives of critical analysis and the outcomes<br>of interpreting the relationship between the symbolist and non-symbolist concepts of<br>poetry in the works of Aco Šopov and Branko Miljković, their approach to language, and<br>their approach to the existence. We will also explore the philosophical and intimate aspects<br>of their poetry, as well as the theses on absolute poetry and essential poetry. The aim of<br>this paper is to establish an overview of various readings, valuations, and revaluations of<br>the poetic creations of Branko Miljković and Aco Šopov in Serbian literary criticism.</p> 2023-12-28T08:44:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ НА СТРАНИЦИТЕ НА СПИСАНИЕТО НОВ ДЕН / ACO ŠOPOV ON THE PAGES OF NEW DAY MAGAZINE 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Slavco Koviloski <p>The text refers to Aco Šopov’s literary beginnings, which are largely related to<br>the appearance and publication of the magazine “New Day” (1945–1950). Šopov first<br>appeared as an editor and then as an author in the magazine and this is the milestone of<br>the Contemporary literary life of the Macedonian language after World War II. Exploring<br>Šopov’s activities on the pages of “New Day” means studying the history of Macedonian<br>literature.</p> 2023-12-28T08:51:30+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЧОВЕКОТ КАКО МЕТАФОРА ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / THE METAPHOR OF MAN IN THE POETRY OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Ana Vitanova-Ringacheva <p>Aco Šopov is the poet from the Macedonian contemporary poetry era that gave<br>the poetic word a new meaning. Šopov’s lyricism is inseparable from the metaphorical<br>component of his poetry; they arise from each other, complement and feed each other.<br>The lyricism fills the metaphor, makes it empty and vice versa i.e. the associations through<br>which the exposure of the metaphor is used reveals his lyrical intention. Strongly attached<br>to his lyrical principle, Šopov is the poet with the quality of his poetic fate and announced<br>the new vision for poetry in which tradition and modernity will enter in symbiosis.<br>Although criticism does not single out metaphoricity as a separate and dominant category<br>in Šopov’s poetry, it is still a fact that it is embedded in the verse and that it exists in the<br>visible layers of the poem. In this paper, an attempt to shed light on the metaphor will be<br>made, in the essence of which the presence of the basic element - the human being - is<br>read. The moment of the so-called delayed recognition or reading the metaphor will be<br>discussed because his poetry has no visible position of the metaphoricity in the poetic<br>speech.</p> 2023-12-28T08:58:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 МИНИЈАТУРИТЕ НА АЦО ШОПОВ 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Violeta Nikolovska <p>The focus of our study are the “Miniatures” of Aco Šopov, published in the<br>collection “Merge with Silence” in 1955. Chronologically and content-wise, these are songs<br>that belong to modernism as a literary movement. They are intimate, real records written<br>like brief impressions. According to A. Prokopiev, these songs are from Šopov’s intimist<br>phase, exciting and sublime short poetic forms in which the poet is like a painter, or rather a<br>photographer of moments from reality (“Leaf”, “Stork”, “Peg”) through which he expresses<br>his deep, intimate feelings that are not are momentary, but more like state of the soul. Aco<br>Šopov is gentle, nostalgic in them and reveals himself as a caring parent (“Deception”). In<br>“Miniatures” the poet Aco Šopov does not show brutality as in other collections of poetry.<br>Actually, in every poem and collection, a new dimension of the personality of Šopov is<br>exposed. Formally and content-wise, “the Miniatures” of Sopov is different from his other<br>poems of his opus. According to Sonja Stojmenska – Elzeser, “the Miniatures of Šopov”<br>are poetic crocs - drawings, momentary cuts from a landscape that carry deep reflective<br>content. It is precisely on these miniature poetic flashes, on their intimate depth and<br>reflexivity that they carry within themselves our perception on the verses will be shown.</p> 2023-12-28T09:03:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ВОНВРЕМЕНСКАТА ДИМЕНЗИЈА НА ПОЕТСКАТА РЕЧ НА АЦО ШОПОВ / THE ETERNAL DIMENSION OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Hristina Ignatovska-Dimitrova <p>The poetic word in its immanent predisposition establishes a relationship with<br>the sacred matrices. The moments of connection between the sacred and the profane<br>encode the poetic motifs and patterns, which continuously, singing cantatively, allusively,<br>emotionally, figuratively, cognitively condition new models, new images, new symbols.<br>The poetic word within the framework of its discourse, its song, its verse, sings layered<br>meanings that reproduce emotion, energy, thought and sense, from the beginning, from<br>a hundred centuries ago, since yesterday, until today, etc., etc. to infinity, to nothingness,<br>from all its sides, angles, lengths, heights, widths and depths. Šopov’s unreservedly<br>profound, massively thought-provoking, crucially lucid poetic record offers a timeless<br>relevance with every re-reading. Even after many decades, the poetic lines of Aco Šopov<br>enchant the mind by arranging rhythmic sayings about being and becoming, about<br>possibility and impossibility, about power and impotence, about human existence and<br>non-existence, unfolded in the bonds of the golden circle of time. The poet paints the<br>deep sentimentality using figurative aspects and functions, while artistically and poetically<br>skillfully stimulating emotional aspects, while deeply concealing and revealing, the secret<br>but well-known cognitive dimension of poetic telling. Quite authentically less archaic, it<br>sings ancient archetypal symbolism, which corresponds to the Jungian paradigm, while<br>compositionally it spills out with the lyrical functional focus of emotional-aesthetic,<br>figurative-pictorial and cognitive-thoughtful poetics, according to the theoretical<br>framework of Katica Kulavkova. The timeless dimension gives a reflective feature to the<br>lyric, which poetically, artistically and deeply closely interweaves, not the transhistorical,<br>but outside the time and transhuman archetypes, essentially and substantially uniting lyric<br>and semiotics, being and non-being.</p> 2023-12-28T09:15:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ИНТИМНАТА ЛИРИКА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / INTIMATE LYRICISM OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Liljana Jovanovska <p>“I have traveled a long time, traveled a whole eternity, from you to my unbeingness“.<br>(Šopov, 1976: 121) If we draw a parallel from this quote with the topic of this work, we will<br>come to the conclusion that the intimate lyrics in Aco Šopov’s poems are actually a path<br>to a deep and intense emotional expression of one of the greatest lyricists in Macedonian<br>poetry who expressively and metaphorically capturing his unbeingness, leaves a strong<br>imprint on poetry in general. This way, the most hidden, the most lyrical vibrations in the<br>poet’s soul are transmitted to us, initiating a desire to experience that intimacy of feeling<br>and thought, to discover something beyond, something that will give us spiritual food,<br>something that, when we understand, will help us make a reflection on ourselves and our<br>spiritual ascension. The depth of Aco Šopov’s strongest intimate lyrical trembles is actually<br>a thread that leads to the entire emotional blaze of the poet who, in his journey towards<br>unbeingness, will discover his aim: “I wanted to fight and I fought. I wanted to write and<br>I wrote.” (Aco Šopov). In this work, emphasis will be placed on some of the intimate lyrics<br>from Shopov’s poetry, more precisely on some of the poems from different collections<br>of verses from different periods of his creation that captivate and shine with the poet’s<br>expression.</p> 2023-12-28T09:19:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 МЕТАФОРАТА И МЕТОНИМИЈАТА ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / METAPHOR AND METHONYMY IN ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Marija Ivanova <p>In this paper, the subject of interest is the stylistic means of expression in<br>the poetry of Aco Šopov. Special emphasis is placed on the main, most common stylistic<br>figures characteristic and ubiquitous in the author’s poetry, metaphor and metonymy,<br>which as semantic stylistic figures - tropes are especially present in the poet’s lyrics.<br>Through the metaphorical connotations, metonymic associations and rich lyrical coloring,<br>the poet gave a deep emotional charge to his intimate confession, but also a striving for<br>universality with cosmopolitan isohypsis in existence and non-existence.</p> 2023-12-28T09:27:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЛИТЕРАТУРНИТЕ ГЛЕДИШТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / LITERATURE ASPECTS OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:08:00+00:00 Ana Vitanova-Ringacheva Suzana Miceva <p>Aco Šopov, one of the young poets who announced the post-war Macedonian poetic<br>spring. Four decades after his physical death, he is still one of the most read and quoted<br>Macedonian poets. In addition to his significant poetic oeuvre, his thoughts, attitudes<br>and ideas about literature, culture and art in general are still relevant today. Examining<br>his interviews, essays, short writings, the clear vision he had for the development of<br>Macedonian art within the framework of the then Yugoslav, but also more widely, European<br>and world art and culture stands out. “Creative Wandering” by Aco Šopov reveals to us<br>a poet who found his poetics, who deeply and fundamentally penetrated not only into<br>literature, but through his literary thoughts thoroughly analyzed the entire socio-political<br>situation that was undoubtedly reflected in every aspect of life, including in literature.<br>Šopov dealt with the aesthetics of poetry, but also with the messages that the poem brings<br>and should bring, and with the economic reasons that make it possible or impossible to<br>publish Macedonian literature. In this paper we will analyze the literary views of the poet<br>expressed in numerous articles and interviews, but also through his poetry.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПРВИТЕ ТВОРБИ НА УЧЕНИКОТ АЦО ШОПОВ / THE PRIME WORKS OF THE STUDENT ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Blaze Kitanov <p>The paper presents and comments the prime works of the student Aco<br>Šopov written during his school time and communist activities of youths under the<br>Serbian and Bulgarian rule. The poems written in his high school Notebook for written<br>compositions during the third grade of the real high school, as well as other poems notated<br>on separate sheets are previewed in this article. More precisely, thirty-two poems written<br>in Serbian language in total, out of which, seventeen are written in the Notebook. The titles<br>of the poems written in native Macedonian language from the missing poetry collection<br>“Anovi” or “Poems about Stip” written in 1941, as well as poems dedicated to the death of<br>his best teachers Vanco Prke and Slavco Stojmenski are exposed. The poems have lyrical,<br>social, love, romantic and patriotic theme inspired by the social-economic conditions in<br>the second half of the last century and the poor and difficult situation of the family Šopovi.<br>The article discusses the three main phenomena as a possible way out of salvation<br>from the difficult childhood years, from childhood and non-childhood years and from the “hundred-headed” monster:<br>– writing songs during high school,<br>– the activity in the literary society “Progress” in high school,<br>– involvement and active action in the Communist youth organization until he<br>joined the Partisans at the end of September 1943.</p> 2023-12-28T09:38:06+00:00 Copyright (c) PATHS INTO THE WORLD: ACO ŠOPOV’S “BIRTH OF THE WORD” IN MULTIPLE TRANSLATIONS 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Sibelan Forrester <p>Aco Šopov’s 1963 poem “Раѓање на зборот” (“Birth of the Word”) has<br>been recognized as a central text in his work and translated into multiple languages. This<br>paper examines eight different translations into six languages (English, French, German,<br>Montenegrin, Russian and Spanish), focusing on a few telling nodes of sound and meaning<br>that reveal the translators’ attitude toward the task.</p> 2023-12-28T09:44:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПРЕПЕВИТЕ НА ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ НА ТУРСКИ ЈАЗИК / TURKISH ADAPTATIONS OF ACO ŠOPOV’S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Marija Leontik <p>Aco Šopov is the founder of contemporary Macedonian poetry. His poetry<br>is lyrical, filled with personal experiences, thoughts and feelings, but also with universal<br>values. Aco Šopov poetry is represented in anthologies of contemporary Macedonian<br>poetry published in Macedonia and Turkey, but adaptations of his poems can be found<br>in various literary magazines in Macedonia and Turkey too. In this article, a review of the<br>published adaptations of Aco Šopov’s poetry in Turkish in various literary magazines and<br>anthologies will be made and an appendix with new unpublished adaptations will be<br>shown.</p> 2023-12-28T09:47:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПУЛСОТ НА ОЗИРИС ВО ПРЕПЕВОТ НА ПЕСНАТА ГРОЗОМОР ОД АЦО ШОПОВ НА ФРАНЦУСКИ И НА АНГЛИСКИ ЈАЗИК / OSIRIS` PULSE IN THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE POEM HORRORDEATH 2023-12-28T20:00:33+00:00 Svetlana Jakimovska <p>This paper analyses the adaptation of the poem Horrordeath by Aco Sopov in French<br>and English. Ezra Pound’s philosophical-poetic theories and the matrix of translatability<br>as a model for the evaluation of translations represent the theoretical framework in which<br>the research is set.<br>According to Pound, the translator, like Isis in the myth of Osiris, collects the scattered<br>parts of the god of the dead, of the work being translated, and then puts them together,<br>looking for the new life, for the new word. The translator should “electrify” the language,<br>through the sound, the rhythm, the form, through innovation, he should give the pulse of<br>Osiris, to the translation.<br>The tool through which the pulse of Osiris, the energy, is measured, is the matrix<br>of translatability. The matrix of translatability is based on the teaching of the Russian<br>formalists about the illogical and agrammatic elements that account for the artistic effect<br>of the literary work. The analysis is performed on the phonological, lexical, syntactic, and<br>semantic level.<br>The paper also considers the paratext as a significant element in the adaptation of<br>literary texts from one culture to another. The subject of analysis are the materials available<br>in electronic form in the Lyrical House of Aco Šopov.</p> 2023-12-28T09:56:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПОСТАПКАТА „ОЧУДУВАЊЕ“ ВО ПРЕПЕЈУВАЊЕТО НА АЦО ШОПОВ НА ИТАЛИЈАНСКИ ЈАЗИК / THE “ESTRANGEMENT” TECHNIQUE IN THE ACO ŠOPOV’S POETRY TRANSLATION IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE 2024-01-12T14:00:09+00:00 Jovana Karanikik Josimovska Anastasija Gjurcinova <p>The aim of this paper is to present the poetry of Aco Šopov as a translation challenge for Italian language translators in the context of the presence of Macedonian poetry translated into Italian. The first part offers a general overview of the Macedonian poetry translations published in Italy. Furthermore, Aco Šopov's verses in Italian, published in collections, anthologies and journals, starting from the middle of the twentieth century until today, are presented. The second part of the paper is analytical and focuses on the general characteristics of Aco Šopov's poetry at the phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical and semantic level, which represent a challenge for the translator, taking into consideration the "estrangement effects” he faced, which required different levels of “estrangement techniques” in the translation. A series of examples from several translated poems: Orrendamorte, Sangue abyssale, Poesia, Strada comune, Preghiera per un'ancora introvabile parola ordinaria, Sesta preghiera del mio corpo, Nona preghiera del mio corpo, Il venire lento del fuoco (each translated by Anastasia Gjurchinova and Mia Leconte), Poesia, Amore, Questà beltà (translated by Giacomo Scotti) and Sulla riva del lago (translated by Augusto Fonseca) are presented and different solutions have been detected in the work of different translators.</p> 2023-12-28T10:11:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЕЛЕМЕНТИТЕ НА ЕГЗОТИЗАМ ВО НЕКОИ ПРЕПЕВИ НА АЦО ШОПОВ ОД ФРАНЦУСКИ НА МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК (осврт кон препеви на поезијата на Леополд Седар Сенгор) / THE ELEMENTS OF EGZOTISM IN SOME ADAPTATIONS OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY FROM FRENCH TO MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Irina Babamova <p>This paper aims to revisit Šopov’s translations from French to Macedonian and to<br>analyze, more specifically, his translations of poems by the Senegalese poet Leopold Sedar<br>Senghor, which deserve a particular place in Šopov’s translation activity.<br>Translating Senghor not only means translating the meaning of his poetic text<br>but also Senghor’s ideological commitment, who, in his poetry, aspires to authentically<br>present the Senegalese environment, emphasizing the specificities of African, historical,<br>linguistic, and cultural identity. It is precisely this intention of Senghor that justifies the<br>presence of exotic elements that Šopov has integrated with lots of affection and respect<br>into his Macedonian translations.<br>The work will involve identifying and grouping lexical elements of exoticism, as well<br>as analyzing the translation strategy in Šopov’s Macedonian translations of Senghor’s<br>poems.”</p> 2023-12-28T16:43:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЗАСТАПЕНОСТА НА СУФИКСНИТЕ ДЕРИВАТИ ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ И НИВНИ ПРЕВОДНИ ЕКВИВАЛЕНТИ ВО ГЕРМАНСКИОТ ЈАЗИК 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Darinka Marolova Dragana Kuzmanovska <p>This paper looks into the derivatives formed by suffixes in Macedonian language<br>compared to their equivalents in German language. Thus, morphological and translational<br>analysis of examples found in random songs of Aco Šopov translated in German language<br>by Ina Jun Broda are going to be discussed. The purpose of this study is to see to what<br>extent the suffix derivates in poetry are found, which model is used for their formation<br>and a comment is given on the process of translation considering its translation in German<br>language. In our opinion, the results of this study are most certain if taken into account<br>that the style of Aco Šopov is such that uses already made derivates or creates new words<br>using explicit derivation using the word-formation models from one hand and the German<br>language on the other which is rich in words formed by derivation.</p> 2023-12-28T16:49:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПРЕПЕВИТЕ НА ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ НА РУСКИ ЈАЗИК / THE ADAPTATIONS OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Emil Niami <p>This article is dedicated to the translations of Aco Šopov’s poetry<br>into Russian. It reviews the editions that appeared in the USSR and the Russian<br>Federation, in which Šopov’s lyrics are represented. Also, with short comments, we<br>briefly refer to several Russian translations.</p> 2023-12-28T16:51:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 РЕЦЕПЦИЯ НА ТВОРЧЕСТВОТО НА АЦО ШОПОВ В БЪЛГАРИЯ (В КОНТЕКСТА НА РЕЦЕПЦИЯТА НА МАКЕДОНСКАТА ЛИТЕРАТУРА СЛЕД 1990 г.) / THE RECEPTION OF ACO ŠOPOV`S WORK IN BULGARIA (in the context of the reception of Macedonian literature after 1990) 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Elena Daradanova <p>This paper comments the reception of Aco Šopov’s poetry in Bulgaria in the context<br>of the reception of the Macedonian literature after 1990. The tendencies of translation<br>dynamics in Macedonian literature, genre and publication strategies are analyzed. The<br>focus is put on the translation reception of Aco Šopov in the Bulgarian environment:<br>published collection, presence in the specialized periodical and represented anthology<br>volumes etc. The position of Šopov is emphasized in the process of forming the Bulgarian<br>perception for the Macedonian contemporary literature, more precisely the Macedonian<br>poetry.</p> 2023-12-28T16:55:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ХЕТЕРОЛОШКИТЕ АСПЕКТИ ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / HETEROLOGY ASPECTS OF ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Vesna Kozinkova <p>Aco Šopov is a poet who, with the power of his pen, with the power of<br>his poetic imagination, with the power of his words, marked the thread along which<br>contemporary Macedonian poetry moved. If the folk poem marked his first poetic phase,<br>already in the later poems, especially with the idea of Not-being, the personal and the<br>individual merge with the folk poem on a higher creative level. The entire poetic work of<br>Aco Šopov is deeply intertwined with his childhood, his hometown and his homeland.<br>However, it is a known fact that one has to go far to hear the truth, to go outside to see it<br>inside, to run away from oneself to find it again. Such is the lyrical, intimate biography of<br>this masterful poet, who wrote Song of the Black Woman as a poetic testament to his stay<br>in Africa. There he will take his providence to find his own daughter. And there on that<br>ancient continent, discovering the world, he discovers his homeland. It is the crossroads<br>of two othernesses – one’s own and another’s. One – black Africa with all its symbols<br>and landscapes, and the other – the homeland, deeply experienced and just discovered.<br>This paper aims to show the heterological aspects of Aco Šopov’s poetry in which the<br>emphasis is placed on the Other/Other category, which establishes a system of binary<br>opposition with the Self/Sameness category and their fusion as a concept of Between.<br>Behind the One and the Other, one’s own and another’s, looms the Third that connects<br>and enables connection.</p> 2023-12-28T17:04:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 КУЛТУРНАТА ДИПЛОМАТИЈА И АЦО ШОПОВ / CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AND ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Vasko Sutarov <p>Cultural diplomacy is considered as one of the newer diplomatic disciplines that has<br>its particularly important application in international relations, in the past and the present<br>century. The instruments and means of culture are the basis of this diplomatic skill and<br>discipline, and its main goal is to create opportunities for recognition, rapprochement,<br>mutual respect and attraction between states and people who fail in those intentions<br>through the other means of traditional diplomatic practice. In the world’s best diplomatic<br>traditions, it was a good practice to send prominent people from one culture and science<br>on a diplomatic mission, and such practice was adopted by our former community, SFRY,<br>even in its earliest years of creation. A particularly responsible diplomatic mission in<br>Africa, during the Yugoslav diplomacy, was given to the famous Macedonian poet Aco<br>Šopov. Šopov’s cultural and diplomatic activities were not only related to his diplomatic<br>stay in Senegal. He had been actively working on the promotion of Macedonian culture<br>for many years before, both within the then community of Yugoslav peoples and on a<br>wider international level. Throughout his personal and working life, Aco Šopov had<br>culture as his most important determinant and his work was woven into the roots not<br>only of contemporary Macedonian culture but also into the foundations of modern<br>cultural diplomacy.</p> 2023-12-28T17:53:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ATSO ŞOPOV’UN SANATINI TÜRK OKURLARINA TANITMAK / REPRESENTING ACO ŠOPOV`S ART TO THE TURKISH READERS 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Mahmut Celik Ivana Koteva Refide Saini <p>Aco Šopov is one of the most eminent personalities in the overall cultural and social<br>world of Macedonia. In addition to his creative activity, he is also a translator, the founder<br>of the Struga Evenings of Poetry, an activist of the Society of Writers of Macedonia and,<br>among other things, our ambassador. Although he was successful in all his activities, Aco<br>Šopov is synonymous with beautiful poetry, in which the poet conveys his magnificent<br>and creative energy. His poems have lasting value, they are read with pleasure even half<br>a century ago and today. Šopov’s poetry arouses great interest for both readers and<br>scientific researchers. His character and work are the subject of many scientific researches,<br>and his poems have been translated into several foreign languages. The aim of this paper<br>is to expand that list of foreign languages. We decided to write this paper in Turkish in<br>order to present his character and work to the Turkish readers. We hope to arouse interest<br>among Turkish readers who love poetry, but also among scientific research and do similar<br>scientific research that will expose and illuminate the great work of this prominent poet.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ ВО СЛОВАЧКИОТ КНИЖЕВЕН И КУЛТУРЕН АРЕАЛ / ACO ŠOPOV IN THE SLOVAK LITERATURE AND CULTURAL RANGE 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Zvonko Taneski <p>The purpose of the paper is to offer a detailed archival review of publications<br>related to the reception of the life art opus and literary works of the famous Macedonian<br>poet Aco Šopov in the Slovak environment. We are presenting in an analytical way all<br>the translations of his poems in the Slovak language, which were realized on several<br>occasions in periodical literary magazines, as well as in anthological and encyclopedic<br>editions published in the territory of today’s Slovakia, but also in Vojvodina, where which<br>is still inhabited by a large Slovak minority. The complete reception shown testifies to the<br>fact that Šopov was not unknown to the Slovak cultural public, although there is a lack of<br>concrete sustained studies of his literary work written by Slovak scholars.</p> 2023-12-28T18:11:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ ВО СЛОВЕНЕЧКАТА КУЛТУРНА СРЕДИНА / ACO ŠOPOV IN THE SLOVENIAN CULTURAL SURROUNDING 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Namita Subioto <p>This article presents translations of Aco Šopov’s poetry by the Slovenian poets<br>Bogomil Fatur, Ivan Minatti, Ciril Zlobec, Severin Šali and Jože Šmit, published in the<br>20th century, and includes information on the most recent translations that have been<br>produced this year (2023), to mark the poet’s centenary. The article also introduces Aco<br>Šopov as a literary translator, focusing on his translation of Oton Župančič’s Ciciban, one<br>of the most important works of Slovenian children’s poetry. The Slovenian reception of<br>Šopov’s poetry and his achievements in literary translation (literary-critical responses,<br>analyses of some translations and other contributions) testify to the positioning of A.<br>Šopov in the Slovenian cultural sphere.</p> 2023-12-28T18:14:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПЕСНА НА ЦРНАТА ЖЕНА ОД АЦО ШОПОВ ВО КОНТЕКСТ НА ДЕКОЛОНИЈАЛИЗМОТ И ПОСТКОЛОНИЈАЛИЗМОТ / THE BLACK WOMAN SONG BY ACO ŠOPOV IN THE CONTEXT OF DECOLONIALISM AND POSTCOLONIALISM 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Radica Stojanovska <p>This paper offers a reading of the poetry book The Song of the Black Woman regarding<br>Africa’s colonial past. It is known that the maintaining of imperialism and colonialism was<br>possible partly because of the negative narratives about the colonized nations. Those<br>negative narratives have shaped the perception of black people for centuries and it is<br>not surprising that the negative stereotypes have affected the self-perception of black<br>people as well. Because of that a critical stance is needed whenever one encounters a<br>text in which there is a representation of black people and their culture. The paper brings<br>together the thoughts of a few different postcolonial critics and thinkers. Šopov’s poems<br>are situated in a broader cultural context. Regarding the central position of the figure of<br>the black woman in the poems, the focus is on the representation of the female subject.<br>The paper emphasizes the fact that Šopov does not accept the typical Eurocentric model<br>which used devaluing the Other(s) and their culture as an alibi for colonizing. In the<br>poems we read a complete affirmation of the Senegalese and African culture. Thereby<br>we can conclude that The Song of the Black Woman belongs to the political move for<br>decolonization even if that was not a conscious and leading intention of the poet.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЛОКАЛЕН АКТИВИЗАМ, УНИВЕРЗАЛНИ ИДЕИ / LOCAL ACTIVISM, UNIVERSAL AIMS 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Marija Emilija Kukubajska <p>This paper brings insufficiently known testimonies about the revolutionary, social-<br>cultural and humanitarian activities of Aco Šopov, from high school to the first partisan<br>environments. The poet is profiled among classmates and comrades, participants in the<br>earliest preparation for resistance and struggle for human rights and national freedom,<br>amid the hostile fascist, Bulgarian and Albanian occupation of Macedonia. The youth<br>ideological and literary engagement of Šopov is mapped in the context of illegal and<br>conspiratorial actions, together with Vita Pop Jordanova, within the framework of<br>organizational, informative and later partisan activity in Štip, in the partisan detachments of<br>the mountains of Plachkovica and Skopska Crna Gora. The socio-cultural and revolutionary<br>engagement of Aco Šopov is more concretely illustrated through the activities of his<br>closest friend, classmate, comrade-in-arms and inspiration for Kara Dak’s battle song, Vita<br>Pop Yordanova, and through memories of her mother Sofia Pop Yordanova KoŠevaliska<br>from Štip. Segments about the operational power and personal and collective realization<br>of Šopov through his anti-fascist activity in the Second World War are listed in the events<br>related to the Macedonian political activists - youth, workers, mothers and fighters who<br>acted in Štip, Skopje and Kacanik. The revolutionary phenomenon until the Second World<br>War is contrasted with today’s digital revolution.</p> 2023-12-28T18:22:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ У МАЂАРСКОЈ И СРПСКОЈ КЊИЖЕВНОСТИ / ACO ŠOPOV IN HUNGARIAN AND SERBIAN LITERATURE 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Jelena Trickovska Sandra Buljanović Simonović <p>Transmitting the ideological and aesthetic content, sense and meaning in the<br>translation process is an extremely complex task and challenge for the translator. The<br>challenges are more expressed when it comes to literary translation, that is, the translation<br>of a poetic text. The paper deals with the analysis of literary translation with a special<br>focus on the translation of the poetry of selected songs by the Macedonian lyricist, Aco<br>Šopov, into Serbian and Hungarian language. His lyric is unique and widely translated<br>into other world languages, because of the emotionality it abounds in, as well as due to<br>elements of combativeness, patriotism and autobiography. The aim of the research was to<br>determine how the author’s original text was translated into Hungarian in the collection<br>“Örök várakozó” (1964). The fact that one of the languages into which the collection<br>was translated is Hungarian, which does not belong to the Slavic language family, is<br>particularly interesting. This is the first book of this Macedonian author translated into<br>Hungarian. At the same time, the paper analyzes a selection of songs translated into<br>Serbian from the collection “Predvečerje” (1966). The originals were used for the analysis,<br>as well as the translations by Ferenc Feher and Kalman Dudas into Hungarian and Sreten<br>Perovic, Slavica Stulic, Branko Karakas and Vlada Urosevic into Serbian language.</p> 2023-12-28T18:26:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АФРИКАНСКИТЕ МОТИВИ ВО ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / AFRICAN MOTIFS IN ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY 2023-12-28T20:00:34+00:00 Loreta Georgievska <p>The text problematizes the use of the terms “exotic” and “esoteric” in<br>the context of Šopov’s poetry. Bearing in mind the time of their use, a time before the<br>emergence of postcolonial studies and identity studies, the text points to the intuitive<br>refrains from the romantic use of the terms in already existing studies devoted to African<br>motifs. It contains the places in Šopov’s poetry where African motifs are perceived as close<br>and familiar instead of distant and alien. In doing so, the universality of man’s search for<br>his own identity, seen in the “universal origin”, is emphasized.</p> 2023-12-28T18:29:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 КОСМОПОЛИТСКАТА ПОЕТСКА ВИЗИЈА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / COSMOPOLITAN POETIC VISION OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:35+00:00 Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser <p>The poetry of Aco Šopov has fundamental importance for the development of the<br>lyric expression in Macedonian contemporary literature. The scholars divide his opus<br>in several phases, but what is most important is that his poems show coherent poetics,<br>recognizable and based on two constant principles: deep intimacy and cosmopolitan<br>spirit. His poetry is complex vision, full of symbols and mythical imaginations, in<br>accordance with the poetics of symbolism and neo-symbolism. This vision hasn’t lost its<br>relevance during the time. On the contrary, it is even more powerful today, in the 21 st<br>century, especially with its main idea of cultivating respect for differences of identity of<br>all peoples of the world and promoting the value of the unity of diversity. That is why his<br>poetry is widely accepted among readers with different ethnic and linguistic background.</p> 2023-12-28T18:32:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 АЦО ШОПОВ ВО НАСТАВАТА ПО МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК И ЛИТЕРАТУРА ВО СРЕДНОТО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ / ACO ŠOPOV`S POETRY IN MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TEACHING 2023-12-28T20:00:35+00:00 Marina Dimitrieva-Gjorgjievska <p>The poet Aco Šopov is present in the curricula of Macedonian language and literature<br>in secondary high school and in secondary vocational education in the fourth year of<br>education. By the end of the studies about Aco Šopov, his life and his writing, students<br>should be able to systematize the motifs and preoccupations of the poetry of the poet Aco<br>Šopov, as well as be able to present his development in poetry - from an engaged poet to a<br>poet of intimate lyrics. When achieving this learning outcome, students need to adopt the<br>terms that are most often associated with Šopov’s poetry: engaging lyrics, intimate lyrics<br>and reflective lyrics, but also to recognize his verses, composition and stylistic figures of<br>the poetry. Also, students are expected to base their interpretations on the recognized<br>figures, so that they will be able to determine the meanings of the selected poems and<br>their aesthetic qualities. Finally, the students are expected to discuss, value and comment<br>the verses of the poet Šopov, to know his role and significance in the development of<br>Macedonian poetry as well as its poetry in general. The recommended methods for the<br>realization of this teaching content - The poetry of Aco Šopov, are the method of teaching<br>interpretation, the monologue-dialogue and the text method. This paper will deal with<br>a specific description of the approach in the analysis and interpretation of some of Aco<br>Šopov’s poetry represented in the curricula of Macedonian language and literature<br>teaching in secondary education, whereby the proposed methods will be illustrated with<br>examples and concrete activities for the students.</p> 2023-12-28T19:49:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ХУМАНИЗАЦИЈА НА ЛИЧНОСТА НА УЧЕНИКОТ ПРЕКУ ПОЕЗИЈАТА НА АЦО ШОПОВ / HUMANIZATION OF THE STUDENT’S PERSONALITY THROUGH THE POETRY OF ACO ŠOPOV 2023-12-28T20:00:35+00:00 Lidija Kamceva-Panova <p>Born opposite the western flank of the Isar, in Gorno Maalo, in a small house at<br>“Solunska” no. 10, Aleksandar (Aco) Gjorgi Zafirov - Sopov, will spend his childhood, from<br>birth until he joined the partisans in 1943.From the first integral poetic manifestation -<br>“Poems” (1944), through “Rail of youth” (1947 together with S. Janevski), the verses<br>written by our hands about pain and joy that merge with the silence and say that the<br>wind brings good weather come out the extraordinary books “Not-being”, “Reader of the<br>ashes” and “The song of the black woman”, until the last poetic testament “The tree on<br>the hill” (1980), Sopov creates incredible humanistic messages, and the mission of his<br>literature is philanthropy. Through the metaphor, Aco reveals the human soul and sends<br>a message on how to be better, to be clean, to progress. Charred palms indicate working<br>and clean hands and that one must work to survive. Reading Sopov’s poetry, through his<br>three-phase poetic opus, it is inevitable that we perceive his humanistic side, which we<br>also convey to the students by processing part of his poetry. Through a small part of his<br>poetry, the students find the light in the darkness because it always manages to suppress<br>the darkness and thus humanize their personality, to know that good defeats evil.</p> 2023-12-28T19:52:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ЖИВОТОТ И ТВОРЕШТВОТО НА АЦО ШОПОВ ВО НАСТАВАТА ПО МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК / LIFE AND WORK OF ACO ŠOPOV IN MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE TEACHING 2023-12-28T20:00:35+00:00 Marija Grkova-Beader <p>Examining the curricula and textbooks for the Macedonian language subject for<br>primary and secondary education, we come across his name - Aco Šopov. The name is<br>represented as a methodical unit towards the last years of the nine-year primary education<br>(in VII, VIII and IX grade school), as well as in secondary education: in III year – in the three-<br>year secondary professional education; in IV year – reformed high school education; in<br>the IV year – secondary professional education with a duration of four years; and in the IV<br>year program for students from other communities.<br>On this occasion, we are making an attempt to review all methodological units<br>related to Šopov and their representation in current textbooks on the Macedonian<br>language subject.<br>Keywords: Aco Šopov, Macedonian language teaching, Curricula, Macedonian<br>language Textbooks, primary and secondary Education.</p> 2023-12-28T19:56:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023 ПОЕТСКИОТ ОПУС НА АЦО ШОПОВ ВО УЧЕБНИЦИТЕ ПО МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК И ЛИТЕРАТУРА / THE POETRY OF ACO ŠOPOV IN THE TEXTBOOKS OF MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 2023-12-28T20:00:35+00:00 Marina Danilovska Marina Spasovska <p>Aco Šopov is one of the most outstanding poets from the first generation<br>of Macedonian post-war writers, who soared to the literary heights through the verses<br>poured out from the depth of the lyrical soul. For the purposes of this paper, analysis of the<br>representation of his poetry in the curricula for secondary and primary education, in the<br>Macedonian language textbooks for primary education (from VI to IX grades) will be made<br>along with the same analysis in the Macedonian language and literature textbooks for<br>secondary education, high school education and secondary vocational education (four-<br>year and three-year). Within this analysis, the poems which are represented in the program<br>areas of literature and reading are discussed, what motifs they deal with, what is the poet’s<br>language expression, etc.</p> 2023-12-28T19:59:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „Сто години од раѓањето на Ацо Шопов“ Филолошки факултет - Штип 25-26 мај, 2023