Education data mining with Moodle 2.4

  • Zoran Milevski
  • Zoran Zdravev


The goal of e-learning environments is to supply effective learning methods, to enable the users to approach certain resources at any time, to set solutions for certain problems, assessment for the work etc. One of the best known environments of this kind is e-learning system Moodle. These environments like Moodle use and save large amount of data in their databases, but in most cases they don't offer enough information of the course participants and their activities in the system. The aim of this work is, by the use of data mining techniques such as classification, clustering, statistics and regression, to describe the process of selection and acquiring data from the Moodle database, and to create dashboard - web based application, that would communicate with the e-learning system Moodle and supply multilevel approach as: manager, administrator, teacher and user level; and practically will improve the approach to evaluation of larger groups of participants in the learning process. This will help teachers to evaluate web activity of the students, to get more objective feedback and find out more about how the students learn. Also this dasboard will directly solve the teachers problems in the terms of dealing with this kind of platforms and big amounts of data.

Author Biographies

Zoran Milevski
Teacher of Computer Science and Informatics in high school Dobri Daskalov, KavadarciTeacher of Computer Science and Informatics
Zoran Zdravev
Compuer Science Faculty, University "Goce Delcev",


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