• Viktorija Jakimova
  • Janka Dimitrova
Keywords: capital market, securities, stock market, profit, investment, stocks


In the everyday life of the stock exchange, the events that are related to the initial offering of shares on the capital market, or IPO (Initial Public Offering) are known. Basically, the initial offer means opening the company to the public, ie investors. With the initial offer, a trading company that existed and functioned as a limited liability company, ie a small joint stock company, with relatively smaller capital and number of owners, becomes a joint stock company owned by the public with a wider range of shareholders. Most often, the initial offer of shares on the market is used by companies that intend to provide additional capital to finance further own development.
In the Republic of Macedonia, the procedure for issuing securities is regulated by the Law on Securities and bylaws adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In cases when a company successfully sells securities through an initial public offering, the same company becomes a company with special obligations to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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Викторија Јакимова , Јанка Димитрова

How to Cite
Jakimova, V., & Dimitrova, J. (2020). INITIAL PUBLIC OFFER – IPO. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 20(1), 81-86. Retrieved from
Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics)