Инвестиционите фондови-недоволно развиен сегмент на пазарот на капитал во Република Македонија

  • Krste Sajnoski


Investment funds are the youngest institution in the capital market in Macedonia. Because it emerged later, they had little stake in the realization of dynamic processes in the past events in the stock market. It came to naught the expectation that their foundation and operation will substantially accelerate the mobilization of free cash of the citizens through investments in securities. The investment of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia in investment funds is insignifi cantly. On average, they have deposited in banks over 1,100 euros, and in investment funds they have invested only one euro. The new law on investment funds formally removed the legal obstacles to the acceleration of their development. However, a shift in their work can be expected if to hack the “vicious” circle of slow growth in the country, which is a consequence of the model development and macroeconomic stabilization policy. Without increasing interest in investing, investment funds will not be able to realize themselves as important intermediaries between investors and potential benefi ciaries of the funds realized by the emission of securities.


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How to Cite
Sajnoski, K. (2013). Инвестиционите фондови-недоволно развиен сегмент на пазарот на капитал во Република Македонија. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 2(1), pp.153-164. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/YFE/article/view/514