Трговските текови во глобализираниот свет
International trade fl ows are an integral part of the process of economicglobalization. International trade fl ows in the period up to WWII are segmentedinto two periods as follows: the period up to 1913 and interwar period. Periodto 1913 is characterized by signifi cant trade fl ows in world trade as a networkvolume as well as by structure, while interwar period is characterized by asharp drop in volume and distribution of international trade as a result of theGreat Depression. The period after World War II is characterized by signifi cantnormalization and expansion of trade fl ows, but expansive growth comes to itsend after 1973 as a result of oil crises. World trade in the 1990s, is characterizedby accelerated economic integration and the completion of the institutionalframework for regulating trade through the establishment of the WTO. Specifi cfeature of the trends of trade in the 21st century is a global economic crisiswhich in 2008 hit almost the entire world and caused an enormous collapse ofworld trade.Downloads
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A. G. Kenwood and A.L. Laughed: The Growth of the International economy, Rout ledge, London, 1999.
Baier, Scott L. and Jeffrey H.Bergstand: The growth of world trade, Journal of international economics, 2001.
Eaton, J. Kortum, S. and Kramars, F.: An anatomy of international trade, University of Chicago, 2005.
Harvey E. Lapan, World trade and economic growth, RePEc, 2008.
How to Cite
Miteva-Kacarski, E. (2013). Трговските текови во глобализираниот свет. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 2(1), pp.133-142. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/YFE/article/view/515