Членството на Република Македонија во светската трговска организација со посебен осврт на трговската размена со земјоделско-прехранбени производи

  • Petar Kletnikoski
  • Trajko Miceski


The global rules, according to which the international trade is functioning, are defined as multilateral trade rounds of negotiations which are conducted under the WTO. The main task of the multilateral trade system, administrated by WTO, is to secure functioning of the international trade without any constraints and free as possible. The membership in WTO brings a lot of benefits, but also obligations. By approaching in this organization, the basic advantage for Macedonian export in the world markets is creating a predictable surrounding, as well as additional security for the foreign investments. In today’s conditions of global world economy, the economy’s entities from countries with the size same as the Macedonian, are necessary advised to sell their products and services on the world market. The membership in WTO, beside the advantages, creates also certain obligations for the state institutions.


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WTO In brief” World Trade Organization (2007) Information and Media Relations Division (IMRD) ISBN: 978-92-870 3418-2


How to Cite
Kletnikoski, P., & Miceski, T. (2013). Членството на Република Македонија во светската трговска организација со посебен осврт на трговската размена со земјоделско-прехранбени производи. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 2(1), pp.35-42. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/YFE/article/view/532

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