- Faculty of Philology2024-12-13T09:48:52+00:00Eva Journal Systems MEMORIAM Проф. д-р Марија Кусевска (1954 – 2024)2024-12-13T09:48:51+00:00Natka Jankova<p>Последен поздрав до проф. д-р Марија Кусевска од деканката проф. <br>д-р Луси Караниколова-Чочоровска, Катедрата за англиски јазик и <br>книжевност, вработените, колегите и студентите од Филолошкиот факултет <br>при УГД – Штип.</p>2024-12-13T09:21:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology AND EPISTEMIC PREVALENCE OF MODAL VERBS IN GERMAN LANGUAGE BASED ON EXAMPLES FROM THE HOLY GOSPELS ACCORDING TO MATTHEW2024-12-13T09:48:51+00:00Aleksandra<p>This paper covers the presence of the deontic and epistemic modality in German <br>language based on examples from the Holy Gospels according to Matthew, in comparison <br>to the presence of deontic and epistemic modality in the Macedonian language based on <br>examples from the Holy Gospels according to Matthew. It examines which modal verbs are <br>mostly present and what meanings they convey. The analysis of modality of modal verbs <br>divided into deontic modality and epistemic modality in German and Macedonian language<br>demonstrates similarities and differences between the two languages. This paper analyses <br>verbs, such as: dürfen, können, mögen, müssen, sollen and wollen, while in Macedonian <br>language modal verbs, such as: може, мора, треба and смее are being analysed.</p>2024-12-13T09:26:56+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology WITH THE COMPONENT “HEAD“ IN GERMAN AND MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE AND POSSIBLE MUTUAL EQUIVALENT RELATIONS2024-12-13T09:48:51+00:00Megi<p>The subject of this paper’s research is the phraseological expressions that <br>contain the “head” component in their composition, in the two compared languages, i.e. <br>German and Macedonian. We aim to present a contrastive analysis and identify the most<br>appropriate mutual equivalent relations. Additionally, we examine examples from literary <br>works in German and Macedonian, providing translation solutions. The research aims to <br>identify the frequent occurrence of such expressions in literary works, and demonstrate the <br>possibility of complete integration from one language system to another using a specific lexeme. <br>This lexeme, even if different from the original expression, can still achieve functional <br>equivalence in the target language.</p>2024-12-13T09:32:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology OF PLACE IN GERMAN LANGUAGE AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE IN THE LITERARY WORK “PARFUM” BY PATRICK SÜSKIND2024-12-13T09:48:51+00:00Katerina<p>The semantic meaning of the prepositions of place in the German language <br>which is the subject of research in this paper, will be analyzed generally on examples from the <br>German literary work “Parfum” (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, by Patrick Süskind) and <br>the Macedonian translation of the same work. A detailed analysis of the prepositions of place <br>an, auf, vor and hinter is conducted in this paper regarding their meanings and functions in <br>the sentence in the mentioned work in German language and their equivalents in Macedonian <br>language. We will attempt to differentiate the preposition of place an and auf according to<br>German and Macedonian grammar books and with the appropriate translation elements, about <br>which often pose difficulties when translating from German into Macedonian and vice versa.</p>2024-12-13T09:36:57+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology`S SHYLOCK: AN AVARICIOUS VILLAIN, A VICTIM, OR A COMPLEX FUSION OF BOTH2024-12-13T09:48:52+00:00Krste Pop<p>This paper aims to explore the evolving critical perspectives on Shylock, <br>a character from W. Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”, assessing whether he <br>embodies the traits of an avaricious villain, a sympathetic victim, or a complex amalgamation <br>of both. It includes a personal evaluation of Shylock’s multifaceted character, drawing <br>upon biblical passages that illuminate the sin of avarice, as well as insights from ancient <br>and medieval sources such as Plutarch, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius, Dante Alighieri, and <br>Renaissance thinkers like Martin Luther, Pierre de La Primadauye, and Thomas Wilson. <br>Beyond examining Shylock’s avaricious nature, the paper also investigates whether his <br>character trajectory aligns with de La Primadauye’s contemporary portrayal of an individual <br>who begins as avaricious and subsequently becomes consumed by anger and revenge.</p>2024-12-13T09:41:08+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of PhilologyОS IN THE LIVES OF YOUNG PEOPLE AS A RESULT OF MANIPULATION WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE2024-12-13T09:48:52+00:00Simona<p>This paper aims to review the novel Ereb by Ursula Poznanski in the context <br>of the impact of modern technologies on the young population. The purpose of this paper is <br>to present the results of a study on the various definitions provided by researchers regarding <br>artificial intelligence and to determine its impact on the lives of young people in the selected <br>work.<br>From a methodological point of view, it should be noted that the comparative approach <br>in the analysis of definitions and the hermeneutic analysis of the processed work, especially <br>the intertext and hypertext within it, are the main methods used in this research. The results of <br>Ereb’s research confirmed the influence of using social media and technology on the creation <br>of social contacts and behaviors.</p>2024-12-13T09:45:09+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology TYPOLOGY AND THE ASPECT OF PLACE2024-12-13T09:48:52+00:00Ana<p>The paper reviews museum typology and the aspect of place through several <br>examples, starting with the emergence of museum typology to interpretations addressing <br>the place. In the examples of the Glyptothek in Munich and the Altes Museum in Berlin, <br>the aspect of place is registered in the corresponding contexts of the representative museum <br>buildings. The paper uses a framework for reading the museum’s relation to place through <br>typological elements and their relation to the specific place, as seen in the example of the <br>Neue Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart.</p>2024-12-13T09:48:15+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yearbook - Faculty of Philology