Call for papers 2022/1


Instructions for Authors:

The submitted papers must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this journal.

Language: English language.

The papers should range from 5 to 12 pages, A4 format, including references, diagrams, and appendices if any.

For the paper format requirements, please refer to the template in Word:

The articles should be in an appropriate scientific area and they should contain original scientific papers, reviews, critiques, unpublished research, early research results, trials, achievements, etc.

Independent anonymous reviewers for originality, meaning, and visibility must evaluate all manuscripts submitted for publication. After approval of the manuscript from reviewers, the article can be published.


To be able to receive a notification and to submit articles for publication, you must register on this system. Registration is done on the following link:


The articles should be submitted to the publishing system


An author can have a maximum of two papers in this issue of a collection.


Registration fee:

The publication of articles in the Journal is free.


With respect,

Zoran Zdravev
Editor in Chief

Biljana Zlatanovska