• Slavi Dimitrov University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Economics
  • Tatyana Dimitrova University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Economics
Keywords: Cross - border cooperation, territorial cohesion, European Union, policies, borders


Territorial cooperation, and in particular cross-border cooperation, is a key element in European integration and a political priority for the EU. An example of fruitful cooperation is the state borders between the EU countries, which are already almost symbolic with the abolition of border controls, customs controls and other functions performed until recently between them. The Luzo-Spanish border is the oldest, most stable and largest border in the EU. On January 1, 1986, both countries became members of the EU. Since the signing of the Schengen Agreement in 1985 and the accession of Portugal and Spain to it (25 June 1991), things have changed. In setting the strategic guidelines for cross-border cooperation between Portugal and Spain for the period 2014-2020 (and for the period 2021-2027), the Cross-Border Cooperation Program is undoubtedly the reference document related to EU regulations and directives, and the proposals of the European Commission.


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