• Kristína Šambronská
Keywords: Destination management, Destination, Tourism, Web page, Tourists


The region has natural and cultural potential for the development of tourism. Tourism destinations are created in the most attractive places of the region, with the most significant potential. Practice shows that destinations in which destination management operates are develop faster and have a higher quality, more comprehensive offer for visitors. Websites are one of the means available to the destination management for presenting the destination's offer. The task of websites is to attract the attention of visitors so that they get to know the offer of products and activities, which should motivate them to visit the destination. The main topic of the study was to find out the opinions of visitors to the website of the destination managed by Territorial Tourism Organizations in the Prešov Self-governing Region. The results of the study show that visitors rate the websites of regional tourism organizations in the Prešov self-governing region at a very good level. A difference was found in the respondents' opinions on the selected website criterias and which website motivates them the most to visit the destination. The theoretical significance of the study consists in the use of knowledge for students of the tourism study program. The practical significance of the study is in the fulfillment of the assignment from Territorial Tourism Organizations in Prešov Self-governing Region.


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