International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism 2024-07-02T19:03:44+00:00 Tatjana Boskov Open Journal Systems <p>The <em><strong>International</strong></em><strong><em> Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT) </em></strong><em>is</em> published by the Faculty of Tourism and Business logistics at University “Goce Delchev”, Shtip, N. Macedonia. The journal is dedicated to the advancement of interdisciplinary research and practices across economics, management, and tourism, and become a leading journal in its field.&nbsp;Each submitted paper <strong><u>will be sent for blinded peer review</u></strong>.</p> <p>The IJEMT is <u>peer-reviewed</u> and issued <u>two times per year</u>, in both online version and printed version[*]. All manuscripts should be classified according to JEL Classification System <a href=""></a></p> <p>[*] - Printed version of IJEMT e-ISSN. Printing on demand - Extra fee will be charged to the author/s.</p> SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AS A FACTOR FOR CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION 2024-07-02T15:17:37+00:00 Dushica Popova Natasha Miteva <p>This research was conducted with the purpose to determine the impact of socio-demographic characteristics on the satisfaction of service users in restaurants. Online questionnaire was conducted through the Google forms including the entire restaurant management, and the satisfaction of the service users was measured through the questions asked. The 152 questionnaires were fully analysed. The analysed socio-demographic characteristics included: gender, age, monthly income, employment status, and education. The data was analysed with the variance analysis (AHOVA) and t-test. Statistically significant differences were noted in age, education, and work status (p&lt;0.05). In order for restaurants to be competitive in the market, their management needs to focus on the problems and find a way to solve them in order to improve the satisfaction of the visitors.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism COMPARISON OF WEBSITES OF DESTINATION MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONS: A STUDY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF WEBSITE USERS – TOURISTS 2024-07-02T15:23:57+00:00 Kristína Šambronská <p>The region has natural and cultural potential for the development of tourism. Tourism destinations are created in the most attractive places of the region, with the most significant potential. Practice shows that destinations in which destination management operates are develop faster and have a higher quality, more comprehensive offer for visitors. Websites are one of the means available to the destination management for presenting the destination's offer. The task of websites is to attract the attention of visitors so that they get to know the offer of products and activities, which should motivate them to visit the destination. The main topic of the study was to find out the opinions of visitors to the website of the destination managed by Territorial Tourism Organizations in the Prešov Self-governing Region. The results of the study show that visitors rate the websites of regional tourism organizations in the Prešov self-governing region at a very good level. A difference was found in the respondents' opinions on the selected website criterias and which website motivates them the most to visit the destination. The theoretical significance of the study consists in the use of knowledge for students of the tourism study program. The practical significance of the study is in the fulfillment of the assignment from Territorial Tourism Organizations in Prešov Self-governing Region.</p> 2024-06-25T09:15:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism OPTIMAL TAXATION POLICY, MONETARY POLICY AND STATE-CONTINGENT DEBT, TIME INCONSISTENCY IN RAMSEY PROBLEM, TAX SMOOTHING, NON-CRRA PREFERENCES AND TAXATION IN LQ ECONOMY 2024-07-02T15:20:36+00:00 Dushko Josheski Natasha Miteva Tatjana Boshkov <p>This paper illustrates optimal fiscal and monetary policies with state-contingent debt as in Lucas,Stokey (1983) and the issue of time inconsistency in the Ramsey problem, tax smoothing as in Barro (1979) and Tax smoothing and Ramsey time inconsistency and non-CRRA preferences and taxation in LQ economy. Results show how the government lowers the interest rate by raising consumption. In the case of fall of consumption (in case of shock), labor supply increases during this two-time period tax rate increases for six periods, government consumption and output increase for two periods. Results differ from the results for LQ economy. When a state variable is negative, optimal tax is positive (obviously state variable here can be interest rate), and when there is positive state variable optimal tax rate becomes negative In LQ economy interest rate and inflation rate respond differently to technology and government consumption shocks respectively.</p> 2024-06-25T09:18:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism NEOBANKS ROLE IN SUPPORTING FINANCIAL INCLUSION 2024-07-02T19:03:07+00:00 Zoran Temelkov <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Financial inclusion has a significant impact on economic growth and development and improves the living standards of individuals in emerging economies. However, today, there are still individuals and businesses in developing and low-income economies that are unbanked or underserved with limited access to basic banking services. It must be noted that during the last two decades, many instruments, tools, and programs have been developed to support financial inclusion, which yielded positive results. However, the challenges and barriers remain to be further addressed and resolved to increase financial inclusion. The challenges originate on the supply side as well as the demand for financial services.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Neobanks, as technologically advanced financial institutions, are valuable instruments in overcoming key barriers to financial inclusion. The manner in which neobanks’ operations are structured enables them to easily adapt their products and serve even the smallest groups or segments with similar needs. Affordable financial services are also provided by neobanks as a result of their higher operational efficiency compared to traditional banks.</p> 2024-06-25T10:21:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism MAC-UNESKO MACEDONIAN IDENTITY - UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE - Arguments and propositions - 2024-07-02T15:20:00+00:00 Nikola Dimitrov <p>Identity is a trait, a property, a sense of something that exists and that stands out and differs from others. Macedonian identity is a unique feature of an ancient nation with its own language that existed and still exists on the territory of Macedonia. The uniqueness of the Macedonian identity is more of a millennial mosaic layered overlaid with diverse natural and cultural heritage.</p> <p>The paper is unique and consists of two parts. In the first part, Macedonian natural and cultural heritage included in the current UNESCO list is mentioned. Whereas, in the second part, only a part of the national - Macedonian cultural heritage will be listed according to properties (immovable, movable and spiritual). According to the criteria for cultural world heritage, the unique Macedonian intangible spiritual heritage is presented with arguments, with proposals for placing more properties in the future UNESCO list.</p> <p>From the rich treasury of the Macedonian spiritual heritage, 30 Macedonian national goods (benefits) have been singled out, of which 11 proposals for folklore goods (Macedonian quick phrases, etc.), 5 language proposals (Macedonian language - centuries. - old tradition. , etc.) are singled out. ), 8 proposals for toponyms (the name Macedonia - a unique geographical civilizational value, etc.) and 6 proposals for a Register for good conservation (Preservation of stork nests, etc.).</p> <p>Finally, in the conclusion, we give recommendations to competent stakeholders (scientists, experts in areas, national and world institutions for cultural heritage) to enter all the mentioned Macedonian benefits in the national register of intangible assets and in the representative list of world intangible heritage of UNESCO. In this way, the tourist identity of Macedonia as a world cultural heritage will be raised.</p> 2024-06-25T09:22:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism THE ROLE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF TOURISM IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF PEJA 2024-07-02T15:25:31+00:00 Anela Džogović Elma Nurković <p>The aim of this summary is to cover the essence and importance of the topic "The role and importance of tourism in the economic development of the municipality of Peja". The study focuses on the analysis of the impact of tourism in the municipality of Peja as a destination rich in natural and cultural potential. Through a detailed analysis, we have identified the main roles of tourism in local economic development, which include the contribution to the creation of new jobs, increased income for local communities and a positive effect on local infrastructure. The history of tourism in the Peja region and the identification of cultural and natural manifestations, as well as attractions, are integral parts of this analysis. The aim of the study is to assess the existing problems and opportunities faced by the municipality of Peja in order to build a strong and developed tourism sector. This brief also highlights the need for collaboration with the private sector and international organizations to harness the full potential of the field. Finally, this study aims to provide a clear and in-depth view of the positive impact of tourism on the local economy of the municipality of Peja and to argue the importance of sustainable development of this sector for the well-being and long-term improvement of the local community.</p> 2024-06-25T09:23:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WINE TOURISM IN THE DOURO RIVER REGION 2024-07-02T15:22:41+00:00 Slavi Dimitrov <p>Portugal is one of the largest producers of wine in Europe and the world. This is a good prerequisite for the development of wine tourism. There are 8 wine-growing regions and 11 tourist routes in the country. The Douro region is the oldest demarcated wine region in the world. Since the 18th century, Port wine has been world-renowned for its quality. This long tradition of viticulture creates a cultural landscape of exceptional beauty and opportunities for tourism development. Since 2001, the region has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.</p> 2024-06-25T09:24:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE CROSS-BORDER REGION BULGARIA - ROMANIA (2014-2020) 2024-07-02T15:22:03+00:00 Tatyana Dimitrova <p>Regional development and politics are among the priorities within the European Union. As it expands, cross-border cooperation becomes more and more important. Various programs such as INTERREG are being implemented, and project management has started to play an important role in the European integration process. A similar example is the cooperation between the two Balkan countries Bulgaria and Romania.</p> 2024-06-25T09:26:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism QUALITY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA 2024-07-02T19:03:44+00:00 Elizabeta Mitreva Dzevat Kicara <p>The introduction of the TQM (Total Quality Management) system in the hotel industry requires a complete understanding of the needs and demands of tourists, respect for the established standards and the creation of products with superior values that will meet or exceed their expectations with their quality. Total quality management applies to the entire organization, in all hotel activities and functions (reception, accommodation, procurement, sales, marketing, kitchen block, service, technical maintenance, hygienic maintenance, etc.). In this way, the established system will enable the hotel company to continuously improve its performance, whereas the needs of all interested parties participating in the process of creating and delivering the hotel product must not be neglected. Analyzing the findings of the research, this paper provides guidelines for the direction in which the hotels in the Republic of North Macedonia should move by applying the principles of the process orientation, based on the process approach and management of the entire value chain.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism MEANING AND STATE OF MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM COMPANIES AND ITS PERSPECTIVE 2024-07-02T15:19:23+00:00 Zlatko Jakovlev Vlatko Kitanov <p>The crucial role or importance of management in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, and thus managers, consists in leading the company in the field of tourism to achieve the goals in the most efficient and effective way. Each company has a certain goal for which it exists, and management has that responsibility to exploit and combine organizational resources in the most optimal way, thus achieving the company's goal. Management is moving the corporation towards achieving the goals by focusing on the activities that company members are obliged to carry out. If such activities are largely creatively and creatively defined, the productivity of each employee will contribute to the achievement of the goals of the travel company.</p> 2024-06-25T09:32:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism