• Dragana Ćorić
Keywords: electronic democracy, pandemia, electoral systems, voting


Norberto Bobbio predicted a bright future for electronic democracy in the late 1980s.
Pandemic circumstances have led us to think outside the box and about this thing.
The whole world was made to reconsider the circumstances of living so far and find the
new ways of earning money, supplying of basic foodstuffs, keeping the process of education
for kids in schools, and students in the universities etc. Finally, the right to vote and participate
in decision-making came next.
In this paper we will analyze some of the most commonly used electoral systems in the
world as well as ways of voting in decision-making processes, and find the ones that would be
most effective to translate into their electronic form. Pandemia might be over in few months,
but we think that we should be prepaired for the next similar situation.
On the other side, we must consider electronic ways of voting and decision making as
probably the most efficient way to make millennials- those born after 2000 who were born in
era of internet, to go to the polls more, though those polls would be- electronic.


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How to Cite
Ćorić, D. (2022). ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY AS SOLUTION IN “NEW NORMAL” (PANDEMIC) CIRCUMSTANCES. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2(9), 437-449. https://doi.org/10.46763/SCGW222437kj