• Ivan Nedev


Characteristics of the group of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual morality is the dualistic view of the object of protection. On the one hand, the acts against the person, her dignity, reputation and honor, and on the other hand the acts against the morals, against the general moral views and the perceptions of the permitted and illicit, in the sphere of sexual relations. An essential characteristic of these works is the relation between the protection of the dignity of the person and the moral views and understandings of admissible and inadmissible in the sphere of gender relations. Protecting the dignity of a person in gender relations as well as general moral values in the name of protecting the dignity of man. Most of these acts are directed against free decision-making and are a denial of self-determination and free engagement in sexual relations. It also includes works that involve the use of some special position or the unprotectedness of certain persons, and therefore of the relatively limited freedom of will.

Key words: sex freedom, sexual intercourse, rape, morality, sexual relations, dignity
