Women’s rights are human rights with a strong gender dimension. The issue of abortion is complex in terms of which opens serious questions in health, religion and social policy who have reflected on social relations. As part of the corpus of reproductive rights and freedoms, the right to abortion is in accordance with a woman's right to dispose with her own body and the right of the woman together with her partner to plan a family. United Nations declared that the right of abortion is a human right. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia guarantees a woman's right to abortion and she has the inalienable and individual right of choice to decide about the outcome of her pregnancy. In the Law on Termination of Pregnancy, in the Article 2 it’s explicitly stated: The Termination of pregnancy is a special medical intervention which the pregnant women decides freely. But the further acts of the Law are in contradiction with the acts in Article 2 in The Law of Termination of Pregnancy and the Constitution in general.The Legal administrative preconditions which are quoted in the law, does not represent an obstacle for women to accomplish their right to abortion but definitely they’re creating a situation where the women needs to be constantly in race against the time and deadlines in order to keep all the legal requirements to accomplish its right. The state instead ofguarantee the accomplish of this right, she indirectly terminates it.
Keywords: discrimination, institutions, conditions, international agreements, contradiction