• David MITROVIC
Keywords: hate speech, social platforms, EU, legal legislation, eliminating hate speech.


Advances in Internet technologies (IT) and online social networks have made many benefits for humanity in general, facilitating the availability of communication tools as well as the possibility of advancement in the whole in countless fields from professional life to households. At the same time, the dark side of these benefits has put us in a situation where we witness or are (in)direct victims of hate speech. Hate speech is an offensive type of communication mechanism that expresses a certain (specific) hate ideology using stereotypes in its existence. However, the concept of hate speech really raises very difficult questions: What does "hate" refer to in hate speech? Can hate speech be directed at dominant groups or is it by definition directed at oppressed or marginalized communities? What is the damage? And, perhaps the most challenging question, what can or should be done to counter the hate speech? To establish some order requires the control of hate speech which can be made possible by the effective use of various national and international legal frameworks. The European Union has adopted legal legislation aimed at eliminating hate speech when using social platforms that will come into force from 2023.
