Geophysical Aspects of the Geotectonic Processes in the Vardar Zone and the Eastern Macedonian Zone

  • Blagica Doneva
  • Marjan Delipetrev
  • Gjorgi Dimov
  • Todor Delipetrov


The paper deals with correlation dependencies of individual parameters of the Earth's crust in relationto the depth of Moho-discontinuity. These model investigations used data about the territory of the Republic ofMacedonia. In the models, the territory was divided in three zones based on its neotectonic geologic setting [1]. Theanalysis carried out for the correlation coefficients for individual zones made possible the separation of zones relativeto one another.


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How to Cite
Doneva, B., Delipetrev, M., Dimov, G., & Delipetrov, T. (2013). Geophysical Aspects of the Geotectonic Processes in the Vardar Zone and the Eastern Macedonian Zone. Geologica Macedonica, 26(1), pp.53–63. Retrieved from