Possibilities to use the Diabases from the Udovo Locality (Vardar Zone, Republic of Macedonia) as Construction Stones

  • Orce Spasovski


The diabases from the Udovo locality (Vardar area, Republic of Macedonia) have been analyzedin order to determine the possibility of their utilization as construction stone. The analyses and the laboratory testshave been performed on samples of diabases and quartz keratophyre. The samples were taken from the surface layers.The results from their physical and mechanical analyses showed that these rocks meet the requirements for their utilizationas construction stone suitable for all fractions of asphalt – concrete, concrete aggregate, material for compactionof roads, stone dust and other application in the civil engineering related to the traffic infrastructure. Additionally,the quality of the stone is higher in the deeper parts of the terrain, where the external influences have little effect.


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How to Cite
Spasovski, O. (2013). Possibilities to use the Diabases from the Udovo Locality (Vardar Zone, Republic of Macedonia) as Construction Stones. Geologica Macedonica, 26(1), pp.99–107. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/GEOLMAC/article/view/655