Accumulation and Distribution of Heavy Metal in Perennials Parts of Vine in Five Local Varieties (Rizling, Smederevka, Hamburg, Kratošia and Afus ali ) from Ovče Pole (R. Macedonia)

  • Elizabeta Karakaševa
  • Sanja Jovanova
  • Blažo Boev


This work was conducted in vineyards located in Ovče Pole, near the village of Krivi dol ,in the eastern part of Macedonia, in order to assess the bio-accumulation and distribution of trace elements inperennial part of grape, in five local varieties (Rizling, Smederevka, Hamburg, Kratošia and Afus-Ali). Forthis purpose, the content of trace elements in soil and in the perennials parts of the vine: leaves, branches andgrapefruit were measured, in all five local varieties.The content of Zn in soils varied from 75.7- 96.33 mg/kg,Ni from 1.69 to 4.45 mg/ kg, Cu from 34.1- 53.6 mg/ kg, Ba from 65.8- 140.5mg/kg, Sr from 56,3-150,9mg/kg,As from 5.48 -13.59mg/kg, Mo from 1.99 to 3.1mg/kg, Pb from 14.19-26.9mg/kg, Ti from 119-239mg/kg, Fefrom 2482-3080mg/kg, Mn from 722-1081mg/kg and Al from 2646-4012mg/kg, respectively. The content ofZn in plant varied from 154.8- 188.5mg/kg, Ni from 145.1 to 191.8mg/kg, Cu from 31.1 to 51.5mg/kg, Ba from15.7 to 24.2mg/kg, Sr from 186.5 to 287.8mg/kg, As from 9.78-27.7mg/kg, Mo from 0.28 to 1.44mg/kg, Pbfrom 5.25 to 13.56mg/kg, Ti from3.73 to 7.38mg/kg, Fe from 345 to 464.5mg/kg, Mn from 352.3 to400.2mg/kg and Al from 130.8 to 256.5mg/kg, respectively. The contents of Zn,Ba, As, Mo, and Pb notexceeded the maximum allowable content (MAC) in all soil (The Now Dutch list). The highest content of Cuand Ni (The Now Dutch list) were founded in all vineyard soil from Ovče pole. Considering the value for bioaccumulationfactor (BAF), grape vine for Zn, Sr, Cu and As possessed the characteristics of hyperaccumulator. Most of the accumulated metals are mainly concentrated in the leaves of the vine, with theexception of As, which are concentrated in the fruit of the vine.


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How to Cite
Karakaševa, E., Jovanova, S., & Boev, B. (2013). Accumulation and Distribution of Heavy Metal in Perennials Parts of Vine in Five Local Varieties (Rizling, Smederevka, Hamburg, Kratošia and Afus ali ) from Ovče Pole (R. Macedonia). Geologica Macedonica, 26(2), pp.1–11. Retrieved from