Heavy and toxic metals in the ground water of the Prilep region from the Pelagonia valley

  • Vojo Mirčovski
  • Blažo Boev
  • Peco Ristevski


The research presented in this study was carried out in order to test the quality of the ground water in the Prilep region within the Pelagonia valley. The investigations consisted of taking 12 individual samples of ground water and analysis of eleven elements from the group of toxic metals, such as: Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Cd, As, Al, Ni and Аg. Knowing the quality of ground water in this investigated region is of particular importance since the ground water from the analyzed wells is used by the locals of this region as drinking water and for irrigation of the surrounding arable land. The data we received indicates that in the majority of analyzed samples there were increased concentrations of Ni, As and Pb, which are most likely result of the composition of the geological environment where this ground water circulates.


Key words: ground water; heavy and toxic metals; Pelagonia valley


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How to Cite
Mirčovski, V., Boev, B., & Ristevski, P. (2014). Heavy and toxic metals in the ground water of the Prilep region from the Pelagonia valley. Geologica Macedonica, 28(1), pp. 93-. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/GEOLMAC/article/view/854