Ground water isotopic investigation in the area of the village of Mrežičko, Kožuf Mountain, Republic of Macedonia

  • Ivan Boev
  • Mitko Jančev


This paper represents the results of isotopic investigation conducted on ground water (mineral) inthe area of the village of Mrežičko (Kožuf Mountain). A measurement has been made on the water from the springsource of the ground water “Kožufčanka” and on the water from the spring source of the ground water “Izvorska” regardingthe presence of tritium (3H), isotopes of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H), and the radioisotopes of carbon(14C). The obtained values regarding the presence of isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen indicate that the ground wateroriginates from precipitation. The obtained values regarding the presence of tritium indicate that the water is morethan 63 years old, and the obtained values regarding the isotopes of carbon indicate that the spring sources of theground water date back to the Paleolithic age.


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How to Cite
Boev, I., & Jančev, M. (2016). Ground water isotopic investigation in the area of the village of Mrežičko, Kožuf Mountain, Republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 30(1), pp. 55-. Retrieved from