Correlation of Stratigraphic Distribution of the Foraminifers in the Ovče Pole and Tikveš Paleogene basin, the Republic of Macedonia

  • Violeta Stojanova
  • Gose Petrov


The Ovče Pole and Tikveš Paleogene basins are big sedimentary complexes, which belong to the eastern and central part of the Vardar zone within the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. In accordance to previos studies, the age of the Paleogene sediments (based on numerous fossilis from the microfossil groups) in the Ovče Pole and Tikveš basins has been determined as Upper Eocene. The results of the micropaleontological investigations on the plankton of foraminifer fauna, found in the upper flysch lithozones of the OP-1 (Ovče Pole basin) and KR-1 (Tikveš basin) drill holes. The biostratigraphical value of the plankton of foraminiferal fauna in drillings OP-1 and KR-1 gave us the cache to divide one local biostratigraphical zone in the Ovče Pole and Tikveš basin. In relation to this, correlation of the biostratigraphical zones was made between the Ovče Pole and Tikveš Paleogene basin.


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How to Cite
Stojanova, V., & Petrov, G. (2013). Correlation of Stratigraphic Distribution of the Foraminifers in the Ovče Pole and Tikveš Paleogene basin, the Republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 22, pp.1-8. Retrieved from