Contamination and Protection of Ground Waters in the alluvial Sediments of the Bregalnica River in the Delčevo Region, depending on their Hydrogeological Characteristics

  • Vojo Mircovski
  • Orce Spasovski
  • Vlado Mircovski


The alluvial sediments in the Delčevo region are a two layer porous environment built of differentgranulometric and filtration characteristics. The lower layer is a coarse porous water-bearing environment presentas a gravel sandy series (K = 96 – 276 m/day) and finer-grained granulometric sands with clay interlayers the filtrationcoefficient being K = 1.73·10–2 – 17.28 m/day, underlying a layer of rather weaker filtration characteristics madeup of sandy clays (K = 2.16·10–3 m/day), and dusty sands the filtration coefficient being K = 3.15·10–2 m/day. Thelithological-hydrogeological characteristics of the cover sediments do not provide sufficient protection of ground watersagainst contamination of the Bregalnica alluvion in the Delčevo region and pertain to the waters endangered fromcontamination.


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How to Cite
Mircovski, V., Spasovski, O., & Mircovski, V. (2013). Contamination and Protection of Ground Waters in the alluvial Sediments of the Bregalnica River in the Delčevo Region, depending on their Hydrogeological Characteristics. Geologica Macedonica, 22, pp.49-57. Retrieved from