Range of Engineering-Geological properties for some Carbonate Rock complexes from Balkan Peninsula

  • Milorad Jovanovski
  • Azra Špago
  • Igor Peševski


The Carbonate Rock masses are a geological media with extremely complex states and properties, which has a certain influences on the mechanical and hydraulic behavior during construction and exploitation of engineering structures. Practical aspects of the problem analysis arise from the fact that the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the entire Balkans is characterized by presence of wide areas covered with carbonate complexes, where large number of complex engineering structures have been, or shall be constructed in the future. In this context, their engineering-geological modeling is still a practical and scientific challenge. The analysis of engineering- geological properties is one of the main steps in forming of analytical and geotechnical models for complex rock structures. This article gives a data about the range for these properties, according to the results from an extensive investigation program. Some original correlations and testing results are given and they are compared with some published relations from the world.


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How to Cite
Jovanovski, M., Špago, A., & Peševski, I. (2013). Range of Engineering-Geological properties for some Carbonate Rock complexes from Balkan Peninsula. Geologica Macedonica, 24(1/2), pp.23-30. Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/GEOLMAC/article/view/254