The Possibilities of using the Granodiorite of Kosovska River, Village of Canciste (Western Macedonia), as an Architectural Stone
The granodiorite of the Kosovska River, western Macedonia, has been examined in order to determinethe possibility to be used as an architectural stone. The analyses themselves as well as the laboratory testingshave been done on samples of granodiorite. The samples were taken from the surface parts, and the results from theirphysical and mechanical examination have shown that rock mass itself satisfies all requirements form the use as architecturalstone according to the state standards of R. Macedonia. Also the quality of the stone is greater in thedeeper parts of the terrain where the influences from the outside have a very small effect. This stone does not havehighly decorative features but it has a very fine granual structure which has a positive effect for the technical characteristicsand for the being a subject for processing.Downloads
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