Earthy–Cryptocrystalline vivianite from the trepel deposits near the Suvodol village, Bitola, Macedonia

  • Simeon Jancev
  • Blagoj Pavlovski
  • Ljupco Petreski


Within the frame of the trepel deposits (Fig. 1) near Suvodol village, Bitola city it was discovered(Lj. Petreski) an earthy-cryptocrystalline vivianite occurrence. The examined vivianite sample was confirmed byX-ray powder diffraction, chemical, SEM, DTA/TG, infra-red analyses. The treated vivianite sample actually representsa typical earthy-cryptocrystalline variety (Fig. 2) with a peculiar progressive oxidation state of Fe2+ to Fe3+(FeO/Fe2O3 contents nearly 1:1). X-ray powder diffraction, DTA/TG-data are in quite good concordance with literaturedata.


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How to Cite
Jancev, S., Pavlovski, B., & Petreski, L. (2013). Earthy–Cryptocrystalline vivianite from the trepel deposits near the Suvodol village, Bitola, Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 25(1), pp.61–65. Retrieved from