Heavy Metals in the Water from the drain-basin of the Mavrovica Hydro-Acumulation – Eastern Macedonia
In this paper the results and conclusions from the researches of the pollution of the water with heavy metals in the drain-basin of Mavrovica hydro-accumulation are given. With our analysis, there is an effort made to see the real conditions in the examinated area, and to determine the position of presence of heavy metals in the water of the above mentioned basin. The samples of water were taken from river Orelska and the smaller rivers (streams) near river Orelska. The analyses of the taken samples were made in the frames of one sequence of analysis of the instrument Atomic emissive spectrometry, with inductive harnessing plasma (AES-ICP). From the last examinations of contaminated areas as our area of interest, we can notice that the following group of elements should be kept track of: Mn, Fe, Al, Pb, Zn, As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Ag, Cr, Ti with the possibility of several elements that will show higher concentrations of MAA (maximum allowed amounts). After the analysis and interpretation of the data, the assumptions were confirmed for increased values of the following metals: Al, Mn, Fe, Zn, As, Cd, Cu. The whole drainage system that gravitates trough river Orelska is contaminated. Increased concentrations of some of the metals were very often, several times above the maximum allowed concentrations.Downloads
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