Characterization of the particle size fractions of bentonite clay from Ginovci, Republic of North Macedonia
The examined bentonite clay contains montmorillonite as a basic mass. As an admixtures it
containes quartz, illite and other minerals. The admixtures are inhomogeneously distributed in various particle size
fractions. The subject of this research is concentration and separation of existing admixtures from bentonite clay
(–0.063 mm), a commercial product of Bentomak. Wet sieve analysis and elutriation were applied as separation
methods. In order to define the efficiency of the methods, a complex examination for characterization of the fractions
was realized. Simultaneous review of the results of XRD, microscopic examinations and chemical analysis indicates
that in the finest fraction (–0.032 mm) the concentration of the admixures is smaller for 80% than in the other fractions.