Metamorphism of the Skarn Rocks from the Sasa Ore Field

  • Tena Šijakova-Ivanova
  • Blažo Boev
  • Vojo Mirčovski


The aim of this paper is to define the metamorphism of the skarn rocks from the Sasa ore filed. Inthese rocks ilvaite, rhodonite, bustamite, johansenite-ferrojohansenite, andradite, actinolite-ferroactinolite and epidotewere determined. On the base of the presence minerals associations in studied rocks were determinated three facies:albite-epidote-hornfels facies; hornblende-hornfels facies; K-feldspate-cordierite-hornfels facies. The rocks studiedare formed in temperature condition T 400–800oC and preassure P 1.5–2 kbar.


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How to Cite
Šijakova-Ivanova, T., Boev, B., & Mirčovski, V. (2013). Metamorphism of the Skarn Rocks from the Sasa Ore Field. Geologica Macedonica, 26(1), pp.65-70. Retrieved from