Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Ground Waters in the Area between the Villages Injevo and Kalugerica, Radoviš
This paper presents the results obtained from the latest research of the physical-chemicalparameters of ground water made in the area between the villages Injevo and Kalugerica. Investigation showsthat the temperature of the tested waters is in the range of 8–1400C, the measured pH values for analyzed watersare in the range of 6.2 – 8.0. TDS values measured in the tested waters range from a minimum value of326 mg/l to a maximum value of 2252 mg/l. Their specified hardness is in the range from 18 to 1380dH. Thescope of certain concentrations of alkalinity ranges from 68 mg/l to a maximum 540 mg/l. Chlorides are determinedin a concentration range of minimum 17.4 mg/l up to a maximum of 241 mg/l. The concentrationsof sulphates in the examined waters range from minimum 14.6 mg/l to a maximum 535 mg/l. The results ofmeasurements of dissolved phosphorus concentrations range from minimum 0.011 mg/l to an extremely highvalue of 4.62 mg/l. The scope of certain concentrations of nitrate anions ranges from the minimum value of4.6 mg/l in Gorno Injevo – B7, to the maximum value of 477 mg/l, and for nitrites the maximum concentrationis 0.12 mg/l. The detected maximum concentration of ammonium ions is 0.0579 mg. The determinationof the chemical composition of ground water is of particular importance for water supply to these settlements.Downloads
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