Choice of Grout Curtain type of dam “Rečani” on Orizarska river – Kočani
In the frames of Preliminary design for choice of dam type for dam “Rečani” on river of Orizarska near Kočani, three types of embankment dams were elaborated. Based on the results from geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical investigations and recommendations of the geotechnical model, possible alternatives of the grout gallery and curtain were designed. Structural and geotechnical analyses were performed for each of the solutions. At the end, total costs of dam construction and grout works were calculated. Comparing all important factors, optimal design of the grout curtain was proposed. The selection of the optimal type of embankment dam and grouting curtain was also done with application of multi-criteria optimization, by applying of the method of compromise programming.Downloads
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