Spc technigues in the non – manufacturing areas
In order for the company to maintain optimal process stability to make continuous improvements in order to survive and thrive, management needs to know and use certain tools and methods in quality management. Organizations which embrace the TQM concepts should recognize the value of SPC techniques in areas such as sales, purchasing, invoicing, finance, distribution, training, etc., which are outside production or operations – the traditional area for SPC use. A Pareto analysis, a histogram, a flow chart, or a control chart is a vehicle for communication. Statistical Quality Control (SPC) is a term used to describe the set of statistical tools used by quality professionals. Before start a new business (start-up) should be the right study for feasibility and profitability (feasibility study) and business plan for banks or potential investors in order to secure financing. Statistics can be used to come up with a practical business plan with which will be of interest to potential partners or financial institutions. Ways of using statistical data are: control, storage-archiving and retrieval. When using it is necessary to take into account the wide range of needs such as: the need for users, data quality, complete data inventory when entering documents, data protection and security, comparability of data over a period of time, timeliness of final data, financial implication, public understanding and acceptance.
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