Calculation of multi-state two terminal reliability

  • Natasha Stojkovik "Goce Delcev" University Faculty of Computer Science
  • Limonka Lazarova "Goce Delcev" University Faculty of Computer Science
  • Marija Miteva "Goce Delcev" University Faculty of Computer Science


Traditionally,  reliability of the transportation system has  been  analyzed from a binary perspective. It is assumed that a system and its components can be in either a working or a failed state. But, many transportation systems as: telecommunication systems, water distribution, gas and oil production and hydropower generation systems are consisting of elements that may operate in more than two states. The problem that we consider in this paper is known as the multi-state two terminal reliability computation. The multi – state two terminal reliability can be computed with the formula of inclusion and exclusion, if the minimal path vector or minimal cut vector are known.


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