Big data for education data mining, data analytics and web dashboards

  • Zoran Milevski Faculty of computer science, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia
  • Elena Gelova Faculty of computer science, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia
  • Zoran Zdravev Faculty of computer science, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia


In this era of big data, school and universities are gathering tons of information. But much of that data is stored in ways that make it difficult for teachers and managers to access it. Usually written reports tell only one story or display just one piece of information. Many educational institutions use Moodle as educational environment in the process of learning and when it comes to a bigger number of users and course participants it becomes hard to follow their activity in the courses. To make studying more effective, it is important to supply personalization of the participants, based on their activity, an opportunity to analyze their activities in different courses, predict the results of the participants and get better survey of the activities of the students. The goal of this work is, by the use of data mining techniques to describe the process of selection and acquiring data from the Moodle database, and to create dashboard - web based application, that would communicate with Moodle and supply multilevel approach, and practically improve the approach to evaluation of larger groups of participants in the learning process and will help teachers to learn more about how students learn.


Zoran Milevski, Faculty of computer science, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia
Postgraduate student


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