The influence of the Business Inteligence of the Business Performance Management

  • Ljupco Davcev
  • Ana Ljubotenska


The possibilities for expansion and growth of businesses are increasing with the development of information technology. Adding the information technology in business sector functioning is bringing new concepts which are affecting the future of business and information technology as two inseparable sciences. Managing business performance is a critical requirement for maximizing business profitability. Business performance management is actually a set of integrated analytical processes which using technology is directed towards financial and operational activities in a company. Managing business performance influence the process of reducing costs, increasing revenues and strengthening the competitive advantages of companies, which can be implemented using the technologies of business intelligence. The paper is covering the key performance indicators and balanced scorecards, which provide a framework for organizing strategic objectives in four different fields, namely internal business processes, financial, customer and development. As performance measurement periods are becoming shorter, management simply must have the capability for rapid reaction. To do this requires monitoring and tracking capabilities that can generate complete and accurate information upon which they can directly react. This information provides the required business intelligence for proactively managing business performance.




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