• Sonja Nikolova Municipality of Shtip, Department of Education


The topic of the paper is an analysis and a critical review of events related to persons sent to Goli Otok. The total number of persons who were sent to Goli Otok is not yet verified, but according to recent studies it is assumed that to Goli Otok and other camps have gone from 40 to 60,000 of which 3,800 prisoners died in the camps. On one or few days were imprisoned from 200,000 to 250,000, and in socialist Yugoslavia of about 17.3 million people approximately 1,000,000 citizens were persecuted. It does not apply only to the prisoners but we have to have in mind the fate of many families who were evicted from their houses, confiscation of property, dismissal, forced cooperation, rape, breaking up the marital community, eviction or relocation, changing profession and disabling to thrive and any other psychical and physical pressure.

The main hypothesis from which the article starts is the assumption that the leader of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito in the deportation of Goli Otok found an appropriate way to carry out a complete cleansing of his party unrestrained people and forever exclude them from the political scene and at the same time show his rivals how to clear his own yard from political opponents. The first to strike were the old Communists, participants in the labor movement between the two world wars that have been connected for decades with the revolutionary activity and the Soviet Communist Party.

The article aims to determine to which extent Josip Broz's interest in clearing party ranks prevailed in comparison with the alleged threat of the CPY and Yugoslavia and how serious the danger was, in terms of announced measures by the Informbiro, or was the main reason to eliminate the possible dangers following the monopoly rule of Josip Broz.

In the article we will reflect on the fate of the prisoners of R. Macedonia, who under the sign of „informborovci“– opponents of Tito’s policy finished to Goli Otok, and the fate of their families in the period until 1989 through memories of the victims.



Communist party, Informbirо, Goli Otok, Josip Broz Tito


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