The aim of this paper is to present and analyse some contemporary
sociological approaches to crime and deviance in the context of “late”
modernity and globalization, as well as to emphasize some of the
contemporary sociological debates about wider social, economic and
cultural changes that have an impact not only on the ways we understand
or think about crime and deviance, but on the forms and patterns of crime
and deviance themselves. In this regard various new sociological
theories of “high”, “late” or “reflexive” modernity and theories of
globalization are developing among which the special emphasis is given
on some theories that contribute to a better understanding of the role and
the implications that the transition to “late” modernity and different
dimensions of globalization have on crime and deviance such as the
theory of “the exclusive society” (Young), “reflexive modernity” (Beck,
Giddens), “revised theory of modernization” (Inglehart, Welzel),
“global criminal economy” (Castells), “global criminal flows” (Ritzer)
etc. Selected theories emphasize the following: first, the need to relate
crime and deviance to major structural, economic and cultural changes
in “late” modern societies, such as the different aspects of the
“exclusion”, the rise of relative deprivation, the rise of individualism,
diversity, difference, pluralism, “risk”, insecurity etc., and the second,
the need to relate them with the complex processes of globalization, new
technologies, mass consumerism, marketisation, inequality etc., in order
to understand and propose some sociological explanations of the causes
of the crime and deviance in the global age.