• Sinisa Ivanovski
  • Ivanka Vasilevska


Enlightened absolutism represents a state policy which is implemented by the European
forces in the duration of the 18th century. The chronological line of the enlightened absolutism
covers the period of almost a half of century, from 1740 until 1789 i.e. to the start of the
French revolution. The enlightened absolutism is a movement within the absolutism which
follows after autocracy (fascism) and precedes the despotism. As founder and ideologist of the
Enlightened absolutism is considered Thomas Hobbes with his master piece the Leviathan.
The Leviathan according to Hobbes is a sovereign state power (the best form for him is
absolute monarchy), which is needed in order to compel people of their obligations. The
philosophy of this policy amounts to postulate which stipulates that the social reforms are
possible but only through the state and for the state, this phenomena are social expression
of the state interest and the state is the only possible protector of fundamental rights and
freedoms of the man and the citizen is the state. In other words, according to the Enlightened
absolutists (adherents of the absolute monarchy) ‘welfare in society “is possible only and
only through the state and the regime that was established by the same. Because of all above
mention, our interest in this paper is to explain the basic goal of the ideas of the enlightened


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Как цитировать
Ivanovski, S., & Vasilevska, I. (2020). THE ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM IN WESTERN EUROPE SOCIETY. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2(7), 545-555.