The Influence of Some Types of Fertilizers on the Yield of Industrial Tomatoes

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Dusan Spasov
  • Milan Gjeorgjievski
  • Risto Kukutanov
  • Biljana Atanasova
  • N Kirov


The aim of this randomized complete block field experiment was theinfluence of thomasphosphat and NPK fertilizers on the yield of industrialtomatoes to be investigated. Thomasphosphat was used in three variants: 900kg/ha, 700 kg/ha and 900 kg/ha in combination with 185 kg/ha Upac-27% N.NPK fertilizer was in combination 8:16:24 and 700 kg/ha. All variants gavedifferent results and it was shown that the yield depends on the combination,the quantity and the type of the fertilizer used, as well as the climate conditionsthat were in the year of the examination. The smallest yield gave the control,only 40,83 t/ha, and the highest yield gave variant 2 – 50,01 t/ha, which is22,48% more than the average yield of the control.


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