Production Status of some Crops in the Cucurbitaceae Family in the Republic of Macedonia for the Period 2000-2006

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Milan Georgievski


The Cucurbitaceae plant family, one of the most important plant families,includes many garden crops which are signifi cant for the modern civilization.In the national variety list of the Republic of Macedonia, the Cucurbitaceaeplant family has 140 varieties which are 46 local-ecotype agricultural plants,2 Macedonian newly created varieties and 94 foreign registered varieties.The cucumber has 52 varieties, the watermelon 41, the musk melon 27, thecucurbita pepo 19 and the patison 1 variety.The total annual production of cucumber and watermelon is 170 479tons. These crops cover an average area of 8 795 ha, or 1,64 % of the totalarable area in the Republic of Macedonia, more precisely 2,01 % of the arablearea consisting of ploughed land and vegetable gardens in the Republic ofMacedonia.


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