Consequences and technical solutions to reduce tractor traffic accidents in Republic of Macedonia

  • Zoran Dimitrovski University"Goce Delcev", Faculty of Mechanical engineering


The paper presented the results of research on the tragic consequences in accidents with tractors and proposed preventive measures to increase safety in agricultural production in the country. Explored the reasons that led to the fatal accidents in public transport, especially road from farm to farm plots and back. According to the results of research in the Republic of Macedonia in the period from 2008 to 2012 in accidents with tractors total killed 47 people, 168 were injured and 604 people were received with moderate injuries. In this paper are presented technical preventive measures to prevent and reduce accidents with tractors in agricultural production in Republic of Macedonia.

Author Biography

Zoran Dimitrovski, University"Goce Delcev", Faculty of Mechanical engineering
Associate profesor, agricultural engineering